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Using Internal & External Chats
Written by Noam Karoly
Updated over a week ago


This article will give you an understanding of how to use the Chat feature for both internal (between the office and field) and external (with the supplier) chats within StructShare.


StructShare offers chat functionality both for talking with your internal company (the office and field teams) and with external vendors (suppliers) so that you can all stay up to speed directly within any item (PO’s, RFQs, Invoices, etc.). This feature is very helpful for staying in the know on any delays, partial deliveries, and clarifying questions that need to be answered.

Things to Consider

  • Internal Chat will only be seen by your team (not suppliers)

    • Everyone within your organization will be able to see internal chats for orders within projects they have access to.

  • External Chat is only available for users given ‘Join External Chat’ permission

    • This is a User Permission within Users & Permissions settings

    • Should only be given to users who need to speak with Suppliers.

  • Chat is Available both on Website and Mobile App


  • Using Internal Chat with Your Team

  • Using External Chat with Suppliers

Using Internal Chat with Your Team

  1. You will see a red number within the Chat Icon if there are any new/unread messages available (this is per user, so if you have read a message the red number will disappear for you, but still show up for anyone else who has yet to read the new messages).

  2. The Internal Chat is available on any order & Invoice in StructShare (Material Order, Return Order, RFQ, etc)

  3. On invoices, only the internal chat is available. If you need to reach out to the supplier about anything regarding the invoice you should message them within the corresponding Material Order instead.

Using External Chat with Suppliers

  1. External Chat is available on RFQs and other orders, but not Invoices.

  2. You can always check who will see the messages by clicking on ‘See Participants’.

  3. Chat messages are also emailed to all of the available participants, and can be responded to in the email itself by clicking the ‘Reply Now’ button.


Contact Support:

  • Live Chat with Support through StructShare:

    • Click on ‘Talk to Support’ on the left side of your screen.

  • Email Support:

  • Call Support:

    • ‪(512) 222-3716‬

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