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03/02/2020 Updates and Fixes

System Updates and fixes as of 3 February 2020

Clive avatar
Written by Clive
Updated over a week ago

Summary of changes

New features:

  • Added ability to reset Online Assessments from within the group

  • Added ability to lock a student modules results, so that they can't be edited

  • Added ability to publish/unpublish and individual student's assessment attempt result

  • Added ability to set which students will participate in a given assessment attempt

  • Added ability for students to view their registration information from within their student portal

  • Added functionality for institutions to create custom certificates and issue them to students

  • Added Student Biographical Data report

  • Added Student Relationship Data report

Updates to existing features:

  • Removed the display of "See group" on the group Staff Access Control table

  • Added Registered Module group date range to the App & Reg Registrations table

  • Added functionality to include Students Personal Details in the Active Student Qualifications (by date range) report

  • Added Simple to the Formative columns in the results notification report

Detail of the changes

Employee - System Access

*New* - Assessment Reset 

Allow staff access to reset and edit access and submission to online assessments for Online Assessments

*New* - Student Qualifications

This has been updated to Student Qualification and Modules and now has the access right to Unlock a locked module result. Once a student module is complete, i.e. the have at least a single result for all assessments, within their Module's group, you can lock the result so that even if the grades calculations were to change, the result would not recalculate, it will remain fixed.

Updates to Group Staff Access Control

*Update* - See the group

When adding a staff member to the group, the default is that they can see the group, as this is a default, in order to keep the page clean it is no longer displayed in the table under Staff Access Control

*Update* - Staff Access Control Modal Explanation or functions

When editing staff group access you now have an explanation to the right of each option which can be selected, this will allow you to understand the implication of selecting each option.

*New* - Staff Access Control - Lock Results

Once a student module is complete, i.e. the have at least a single result for all assessments, within their Module's group, you can lock the result so that even if the grades calculations were to change, the result would not recalculate, it will remain fixed.

When selecting a student from a group under the Students tab and then selecting make changes, two new option exist, Lock Grade Results and Unlock Grade Results.

When locking or unlocking, a reason will need to be given before applying the changes.

A locked student's module result can be easily identified in the list, because it will have a lock symbol next to the grade/mark.

Assessments Publish/Unpublish

*Update* - Individual Student Attempt publish/unpublish

You are now have the option to publish/unpublish individual student assessment attempt results or publish the entire group.
Due to this change, the "green check mark" and the "red x" have been replace with percentages, so that you can see the percentage of the students results which have been published, the percentage will remain in red until "100%" of the grades have been published.

Online Assessments Reset

*New* - View Submissions has been replaced/updated with View Status and Submissions

On this new status page you can view students current online assessment progress. If you need to reset the assessment attempt for an individual student or for the entire group, first ensure that you have the Employee - System Access for "Assessments - Reset" then you will be able to access the

  • Undo Submission - To allow a student to resubmit and online assessment

  • Undo Start - to removed the "started assessment" status on an online assessment

  • Change Student Date/Time - to edit an individual students assessment attempt date and time range

*N.B.* Please give this page about a minute to load, as it will be pulling and configuring individual records to build the page.

To view the submitted assessment, as you could previously, you will now select "View" in the submissions column of the table.

You can then work with the submission as you did previous. When you "Close" the submission you will return to the View status table.

To return to the Module, select the Back in line with Refresh (refresh reloads the View Status Table)

Assessment Participation

*New* - Set Student Participation

If you have multiple assessment attempts available and you would not like the certain students to access one of the attempts or have them listed in their portal to access, e.g. second attempt for an online assessment. You can select which students will participate in the assessment

Please note that each student does require a result for at least one of the attempts per assessment for the final Module result to be calculated.

Student User Dashboard - Registrations

*New* - Students Registrations view only access

If you would like your students to be able to view their registration and print out their own "Confirmation of Registration (Detailed)" reports.

In More > Settings > Student Access, select the option to Show Registrations in the student Portal

Under the Students Profile, View  User > General > Dashboard, you can then control access to the registration tab for individual students

When the student accesses their registrations, this is what they will see, *N.B.* they only have access to their "Confirmation of Registration (Detailed)" report

Student Module Registrations

*New* - View Registered Modules Date Range

To get a quick reference to see the periods groups start and end dates, Registered Modules Date Range has been added to the overview of the registrations table

In this example under View Profile > Student > App & Reg, you can see that even though the Modules were registered in 2020, the student was placed into groups which covered the period 01/12/2019 - 31/21/2019


*New* - Create and Issue certificates in Student Manager

Background of the feature:

  • For a short learning programme, you may want to issue a certificate for the learners who have completed the learning programme

  • You can create a custom letter for learners based on their personal information, related to a given learning programme

  • This feature is set to only create a single A4 Portrait page (i.e. if your template covers more than one page, only the first page will display/print)

New Reports

Updates to existing reports

Active Student Qualifications (by date range)

There is now an option to include Student person details such email, nationality, gender, martial status, home language, resident status, national ID, passport no, date of birth, equity code and socio economic status.

Results Notification

The formative column is shared with simple results. So, if a module group is set as Simple assessment type, then the results will show in the Simple / Formative columns. E.g. 

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