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How to cancel a flight on Supertripper?
How to cancel a flight on Supertripper?

Canceling a flight ticket on the platform.

Updated over 6 months ago

You can easily cancel a flight booking or flight ticket on your Supertripper account.

🧑🏽‍💻 On your desktop computer:

  1. Click on the "Bookings" tab

  2. Choose the "Type" filter and check the "Flight" box

  3. Use the calendar by clicking on the "Period" filter to display bookings according to a desired date range. By default, the platform displays bookings from the current date

  4. Choose the concerned flight

  5. Click on the "Manage my booking" button

  6. Scroll down the window

  7. Click on the "Cancel my booking" button

Home > Bookings

📲 On the mobile application:

  1. Click on the "My bookings" tab

  2. Click on "All bookings"

  3. Click on the "+" icon to display the filters

  4. Choose the "Type" filter and check the "Flight" box

  5. Use the calendar by clicking on the "Period" filter to display bookings according to a desired date range. By default, the platform displays bookings from the current date

  6. Choose the concerned booking

  7. Click on the "Manage my booking" button

  8. Scroll down the window

  9. Click on the "Cancel my booking" button

Home > My bookings

🟠 Note: Not all flights are cancelable. The cancellation of the flight depends on the ticket fare conditions and additional fees may apply.

📌 To know how to contact our travel agents, please consult the following article.

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