Adding travel options is possible with Supertripper within the limits imposed by the providers at the time of booking.
For example, you might want to:
Add a checked baggage
Some airlines allow the addition of checked baggage at the time of purchasing the plane ticket, but also afterwards.
Add a breakfast for a hotel booking
In most cases, you can add breakfast to a confirmed hotel booking. However, hoteliers are free to refuse the addition or ask you to pay for it on site.
Travel with a pet
If you want to travel with a pet, you must first check if the company accepts it before booking.
Add a cancellation insurance
It is not possible to add cancellation insurance after making the booking.
🧐 Note: to add a baggage, a breakfast, or to travel with a pet, please contact our travel agents if you do not see the option available on the Supertripper platform.
📌 To find out how to contact our travel agents, please consult the following article.