First of all, please note that the OUIGO booking confirmation you receive by email, or that you can also find on the platform (under the "Bookings" tab), is not a train ticket.
According to the general terms and conditions of the OUIGO railway company, train tickets are only available from 4 days before the trip.
Generally, OUIGO train tickets are sent directly by the company to the email address used to make the booking. If you do not receive the email containing your train ticket, you must download it from the company's website.
To do this, follow these steps:
Step 1: Go to the following link 👉
Step 2: Enter the email used to make the booking in the "Booking email" field.
Step 3: Enter the booking number that appears in the booking confirmation email and on the platform (e.g., A1BC23) in the "Booking number" field.
📌 To learn how to find a booking number and/or a file reference, please consult the following article.
Step 4: Click on the "Validate" button
Step 5: Click on the "Access your tickets" button
Step 6: Download your OUIGO train ticket