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Using message templates
Marta Szeflińska avatar
Written by Marta Szeflińska
Updated over a week ago

Prospecting on LinkedIn sometimes involves sending similar messages to different contacts over and over again. Similarly, sometimes you find yourself responding with the same answer to frequently asked questions. Changing the recipient’s first name, company name, or job title in the message is time-consuming and sometimes you can even make mistakes and lose a prospect’s trust. Surfe provides a message template feature that allows you to create and reuse templates that automatically fill out the recipient’s information for you, allowing you to send the perfect message in one click.

Message Templates can be inserted into any LinkedIn conversation with a click of a button or through preset shortcuts. You can also share the most effective templates with your colleagues to help your entire team close more sales.

Creating a template

To create your first template, click on the symbol in the bottom menu of the conversation window with your prospect.

Click Add a template, set a name for it, and enter the message you would like to save as a template.

When writing your message template, you can use placeholders like {first_name}, {last_name}, and {company_name}. They will be automatically replaced by your recipient's information when you use the template later on.

To further increase your efficiency, you have the option to add a shortcut, so that you don't have to scroll through the list of your templates later. You can colour-code the templates too.

Using message templates

Click the message template symbol in the bottom menu of the message window. Choose the template you need from your library.

If you have defined a shortcut for a specific template, simply write ‘/<your shortcut>’ in the conversation panel, hit space, and the templated message will appear.

Sharing a template with your team

If you’ve found a particular template to be successful, you can share it with your team. Just click on the message template button, select the template you want to share, and click on the three dots to enter editing mode.

Voila, your template has been shared.

Note: you can only share templates that you created yourself.

Using templates with Connection requests & invitations (LinkedIn)

From now on, you can also enjoy templates with connection requests on LinkedIn.

1. Connect with your contact by clicking "Connect- Add a note to your invitation".

2. Click on "Add a Note"

3. Click on "Templates" and choose your template.

4. If you need to create a brand new template, click on "New" and create a brand new template)

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