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How to set up the ‘Add to list’ feature with Surfe?
Marta Szeflińska avatar
Written by Marta Szeflińska
Updated over a week ago

HubSpot’s lists feature allows you to easily create unique lists of different contacts with quite an impressive amount of flexibility and automation available. Did you know that this automation can actually be used to add people to specific HubSpot lists, directly from LinkedIn? Yes, you read that correctly - you can now visit a LinkedIn profile and add that contact directly to HubSpot and then to a specific list within seconds.

How to set up the ‘Add to list’ feature with Surfe?

The setup of the automation follows some technical steps so we recommend the following steps are followed by SalesOps, Admins, or Team Leads. Depending on how many lists you have to set up, it may take 5 or 10 minutes - then, you can add contacts to these lists in seconds, directly from LinkedIn.

HubSpot also has two types of lists; Active lists and Static lists. In this article, we’ll show you how to add LinkedIn profiles to both.

1. Set up a new property in HubSpot.

Surfe depends on field values to input contact data into your CRM. Because of this, we first need to set up a property in HubSpot which you will use to identify the list names.

  1. In your HubSpot account, click the settings icon in the main navigation bar. In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Properties. Ensure you have ‘Contact Properties’ selected from the dropdown menu and click ‘Create property’.

  2. In the ‘Group*’ menu, select ‘Contact information’. In the ‘Label’ field, type ‘List’.

  3. On the next screen, in the ‘Field type’ menu, select ‘Single-line text’

2. How to add LinkedIn contacts to an active list.

HubSpot’s active lists update the contacts on the list automatically depending on specific criteria and conditions. Now that each contact has a property field with a text value for lists, HubSpot can automatically add contacts to a specific list if that value meets a specific condition.

  1. On HubSpot, select the ‘Contacts’ dropdown list and select Lists.

  2. Click ‘Create’ list, and then name your list, making sure that ‘contact-based’ and ‘active-list’ are the selected options. In this example, we will call this list ‘Surfers’.

  3. Click ‘Add filter’ and select ‘Contact Properties’ as the filter category. Here, select ‘List’.

  4. Here, you will see a window that says ‘List’ ‘is equal to any of’ with an option to ‘Add values’. Click ‘Add values’ and type the name of the list. In this case, we would type ‘Surfers’, but it can be whatever you like.

5. Click ‘Save list’ and you’re all done!

Now your active list is running and will automatically add any contacts who have the value ‘Surfers’ in the ‘list’ property. Now, head over to the LinkedIn profile you want to add to the list. Once you have added this user to your CRM, you will need to change the additional fields you see on the Surfe panel. Simply click ‘edit properties’ and select ‘List’. Now, on any profile you visit, you will be able to type into this ‘list’ field. So if you visit a LinkedIn profile and type ‘Surfers’ into here, it will now add them to your surfers list.

So you can create multiple active lists and change their filters depending on what you’ll type into this box.

3. How to add LinkedIn contacts to a static list.

Adding contacts to lists depending on a specific property’s value only works with active lists. If you already have a static list that you’d like to add these people to, you can do this quite easily by creating a workflow.

  1. Go to the Automation dropdown button at the top menu and select Workflows from the dropdown.

  2. Create a blank, contact-based workflow.

  3. Click ‘Set up triggers’, then ‘When an event occurs’, then ‘add trigger’, then search for ‘list membership changed’, and then select the active list you’re working with which in our example is ‘Surfers’.

  4. Then, on the workflow diagram, click the + on the line that is after the trigger, and select ‘Add to static list’ from the side panel.

  5. Click ‘review and publish’ and you’re done!

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