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Educator Timesheet (Staff Clock in)
Updated over 3 months ago

Before staff (i.e. educators or childminders) can check in and out of sessions using the timesheet, remember to add a roster management schedule, using the web interface > roster management here.

The timesheet enables staff to check in and out of shifts, add breaks and view schedules. Note: the absent button has been replaced with the ability to request 'Annual Leave.'

How can staff request leave?

  • Using the Educator Timesheet, select the 'Annual Leave' button which replaces the 'absent' button.

  • Staff can then send a request by inputting the relevant information (e.g. date of leave, paid or unpaid etc)

  • Admin is sent an email, notifying them of this request. When the leave request is approved/declined, you will receive an email and a notification will be sent to the app.

  • To view submitted annual leave requests, select the annual leave button in the top right hand corner of the Educator Timesheet screen (see second video below).

Educator Timesheet

Requesting Leave

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