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Attendance Schemes
Updated over a year ago

Attendance schemes are relevant for any organisation that wants to track and show children’s funded hours in attendance reports. TeachKloud will also notify you of any under attendance based on the funded hours you input every 8 weeks. This can be disabled/enabled at any time. We recommend checking all under attendance reports, to ensure accuracy.

Managing Weekly Schemes and Attendance Reports

Adding holidays to schemes

TeachKloud will auto apply schemes to all weeks, unless a break in scheme funded hours is added (please see screenshot for an example). Adding breaks is optional, if you know what major holidays there are, you can ignore any under attendance alerts for these dates. Thereby, skipping the below steps:

After adding all hours for all relevant children, follow the steps below to add any breaks:

  1. Select the three grey dots next to the child's name and select manage past hours

  2. Select 'Add'

  3. The first date range (the first date range area applies to the section in the red box. See screenshot below), should be changed to the date the scheme started to the date the holidays are taking place.

  4. The second date (see yellow box in the screenshot below), should be changed to the date the scheme will re-start (e.g. the date the children will return after the holidays have ended).
    The scheme funded hours will not be applied to the period that is not specified. For example, if the first date range is added as the 06/11/2023 to the 17/12/2023 and the second date is added as the 08/01/2024, scheme funded hours will not be applied to the period between the 21st of December to the 07th of January. Schemes must start on a Monday and end on a Sunday.

Converting Daily to Weekly Schemes

Only applicable if you are using daily schemes and wish to convert to weekly schemes. If you have never used schemes before, this is not applicable and you should watch the first video above, to see how to manage schemes.

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