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Web Interface Support Documentation
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88 articles
How do I add fridge checks
Getting Started: Full Walkthrough for Management
Introducing TeachKloud to Parents - Digital Brochure
Multi-Site Schools: Adding different locations to TeachKloud
Add the Website Interface as an Icon on your Phone or Tablet Home Screen
Reset my Password: Website Interface
How do I turn on Two Factor Authentication (2FA) for my Specific Web Interface Account?
How do I sign out of the Website Interface
How do I use my TeachKloud Discount Code?
How do I change the administrator name, service name and/or email on our TeachKloud Web Admin Interface Account
Training and Meeting Logs
TeachKloud Set-Up Tutorials for Management
Data Privacy Rights on TeachKloud
TeachKloud User Roles
Inviting Staff, Inspectors or Allied Professionals to TeachKloud
Staff Profiles: Remove, add or resend invitation to staff
Creating Learning Stories on the Web Interface or App
Assign an Assistant Administrator
Restrict Access to the TeachKloud: Childcare App
App config: How do I hide or edit areas of the app
How do I give staff access to a room?
How do I share TeachKloud with my social worker or agency manager for inspection?
How do I view the emails I invited staff with?
Create an Attendance Schedule
Children are appearing twice in the attendance section of the mobile app, what do I do?
How do I download attendance reports?
Create multiple attendance sessions for children
NCS Scheme - Attendance Insights Reports
Moving attendance schedules: I moved a child to a new room, how do I change their attendance schedules
Attendance Schemes
How to include archived children in attendance reports
How do I add closures to attendance schedules for every child, at once (i.e. summer holidays etc)?
How do I disable or enable the parent booking system using the Web Interface
Booking Extra Sessions: Set-Up for Early Childhood and After schools
How do childcare services use the QR Attendance Checks?
Add a site-wide forced closure
How do I add cleaning sheet and daily assessment checklist templates, so that my staff can complete them using the app?
Daily Risk Assessments: Web Interface
Editing Daily Risk Assessments and Cleaning Sheets
Create and Share Parental Consent Form's such as Medication Consent Forms
Custom Checklists: Parent Consent or Other Forms
Policies and Documents
Remind and show parents how to sign policies on the TeachKloud for Parents App
How to add a room
Delete or Remove a Room: School Interface
Edit a Room
I have created a new room using the interface but cannot see it on the app
I have added a new room but it's not appearing on the app
I am trying to delete a room but receiving a red error notice
I have created a new room on the web interface but can't see it on the app