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Release 09.18.24

TeamBridge’s 09.18.24 release includes new features for Default Rates and Total Billed as well as improvements to automations.

Arjun avatar
Written by Arjun
Updated over 6 months ago

[NEW] Default Rates Table

Add more qualifiers to your pay rates table by setting Default Rates!

Before, you were only able to change the bill or pay rate. Now, powered by payment rules, you can track different types of pay rates and amounts, such as tips or bonuses, and adjust rates automatically.

Interested in turning on this feature? Contact your CSM to get it added to your account!

Introducing a new default column added to shifts that captures the total “billed” amount on each shift. Similar to the current Total Pay column in its functionality, you’re able to use payment rules to determine the Total Bill amount directly.

This column is especially helpful if you bill for things other than just hours worked, such as number of scans completed on a shift.

Interested in turning on this feature? Contact your CSM to get it added to your account!

We continually invest in ensuring accurate, stable, and timely automation delivery. With this release, we fixed an issue caused by our technology provider (AWS) which resulted in automations sometimes firing multiple times for the same event, among other things.

Have feedback on TeamBridge, want to request a new feature, or spotted a bug? Let us know on our Canny!

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