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Release Notes
Updated over a week ago

May 20, 2024


  • Tokens in inline gaps display properly.

  • Multiple tokens fill gaps from left to right instead of top to bottom.

May 10, 2024


  • Graphs with infinite slopes now score correctly.

March 10, 2024


  • An error in the question player no longer crashes the activity.

  • Blockquotes display consistently in all views.

March 2, 2024


  • Auto-reveal key displays correctly when previewing items.

  • Score for Math Gaps displays properly.

January 27, 2024

This Activity Builder update is huge! Read the summary below and see more details in the announcement!


  • Create Activities that use Standards and items from multiple grade levels.

  • Create Activities that use multiple Passages.

  • Search by Item number.

  • Additional filter options when selecting items.

  • Passage-based Activities have clear default options.

  • Passages are ordered by selected standards and tagged standards are indicated.

  • The number of Items, Passages, and Standards is displayed in the Activity Preview.

  • Added keyboard navigation to the Activity Preview

    • j for Next, k for Previous, space to Select, x to Remove


  • All item types are selected by default to increase variety.

  • All settings and UI controls have been updated for better readability.

  • Filters have been updated for better readability.

  • Passage preview has a side by side layout for better readability.


  • Item randomization is random when creating an Activity or replacing items.

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