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My workouts are always the same - what should I do?
My workouts are always the same - what should I do?
Movement Athlete avatar
Written by Movement Athlete
Updated over 4 months ago

Hi there,

Today we want to talk about seeing the same workout a few times in a row and how to know whether you need to adjust something or simply be patient and trust the journey.

There is a chance that a few workouts in a row will have the exact same exercise, but before we explain why please make sure you check two things

  1. Check equipment profile

Please check your equipment profile. Generally, if you ticked some equipment you don't have it might prevent you from progressing with some of the skills.

We are working on a solution for that, but for now, I would strongly recommend marking as much equipment as you can.

Please know that a lot of equipment can be easily substituted with some time that you have at home. You can see this article on some alternatives.

2. Make sure your training plan is up to date.

As you are mastering fundamentals you will be able to add more and more skills to your training. Please go to your workout plan and make sure you add new skills you want to work on.

3. Here is why you might see the same workout for a few days in a row.

The way the TMA system creates your workouts is that the exercises are being pulled from the exact level you are at in the skills that you are currently working on.

Depending on the duration that you pick, the app will create a workout based on that time.

The longer time you pick, the more skills the system can fit into your workout in one go.

Depending on what time you pick for your workout, you will either get

  1. Smart split routines (for example, if your schedule is 30min 4x a week) or

  2. A full body routine (if you pick longer workouts like 60 min 3x a week)

If you are working on 9 fundamental moves and you pick a workout that is 50 min + there is a high chance that the system will fit all the skills you are currently working on and will create a full-body workout.

In this case, yes you will most probably see the same workout 3-4 times before you will see any new exercises.

Progressions are designed to have very small steps between them so within a couple of workouts you should be advancing to the next level.

But be patient as some exercises might take a little bit longer.

You should be looking for an increase in reps and % on your summary screen.

Repeating the movements through a few sessions is important as it conditions your nervous system and teaching your body movement patterns which will be important later on in your progression.

But! (very important!!!) You should always see some sort of progress on the movement over a few workouts.


How often should you workout?

Note that these are full-body workouts, so we suggest doing them 3-4 times a week if you opt for longer workouts.

If you choose smaller time slots then the system will create split routines. You can read more about split routines and how they are created here

For 20 min workouts, we suggest doing workouts daily

For 30 min - we suggest 4-5 days a week.

Once you start working on advanced skills it's also important to balance your workouts with ON Demand Library.

Here is how to do it.

When you are working on fundamentals you can be sure to get a full-body routine, but as soon as you start working on advanced skills your workouts quickly might become unbalanced.

It's important that you balance your workouts either by choosing the skills that cover pushing, pulling, leg, and core skills or adding On Demand workouts on the top of your weekly schedule.

For example, if you are currently working on Front Lever, Leg Raises, and Muscle Ups - this is a very heavy Upper Body and Core setup. It's important to add Leg Workouts or Full Body workouts. You can easily choose some from our On-Demand library of workouts.

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