We do not offer a specific program for Masters because there is such a variance in the ability in this group. Ultimately, it's still an individual response to training volume, intensity and difficulty.
We're not interested so much in your actual age, but your training age (i.e., your experience in competitive sport, strength & conditioning and CrossFit). A very experienced 55 year old might be able to handle more training volume, loads and intensity than a 45 year old who is brand new to the sport. Pigeon-holing you based simply on how old you are might prevent your optimal progress.ย
Our main advantage for Masters athletes is our heavy emphasis on warm up and workout preparation, constant attention to technical prowess, as well as extensive resources for cooling down, mobility and recovery. These are the things that keep an older athlete moving forward, rather than special programming styles or magical workouts....
The masters following our program start with the training volume that works with their own ability to recover and make steady progress. They then choose the optional sessions or bias that best fits their specific needs.
Smarter, not harder, might be an old saying, but it works EXTREMELY well for older athletes.
For more information, check out the articles on how to choose the right membership level for you and how you can individualise your sessions.