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Block insights (Foundation), December 31st 2018 - February 17th 2019 (WK01-07/2019)
Block insights (Foundation), December 31st 2018 - February 17th 2019 (WK01-07/2019)

Get ready for the Open on Foundation Plan

Jami Tikkanen avatar
Written by Jami Tikkanen
Updated over a week ago


This training block runs for 7-weeks in the lead-up to the Open. You will have 4 to 5 training sessions/week (5th session is an optional opportunity to focus on a specific area of your fitness). Our main focus is, of course, on getting you Open ready.

Here are two suggestions for the weekly schedule:

WL = Weightlifting
= Strength work
= Open specific workouts
= Skill work/practice
= Sports specific conditioning intervals

Most of the movements we’ve chosen for each session are either common (e.g. thrusters, overhead squats, chest to bar pull-ups, toes to bar, muscle-ups) or potential (e.g. handstand walks, pistols) Open movements. We want to give you an opportunity for as much specific practice as possible in this training block. 

You can use the optional 5th session to work on your weaknesses or to double down on your strengths.


Purpose: Prepare for Open style lifting (H1 - 3, lifting under fatigue, lifting with high HR)

Movements: Snatch, power clean & jerk, clean & jerk, clean. 

Progressions: A mix of building to heavy singles to triples, AMRAPs and EMOM style work

Optional weightlifting sessions

Movements: Snatch, split jerk, power snatch, power clean, back squat, front squat, dips, single arm DB rows

Progressions: These complement the main sessions, introducing some positional work together with EMOM style and higher intensity lifting. We alternate back and front squats weekly with a focus on 1 to 3 repetition range. Dips and rows are for upper body accessory work.


Purpose: Develop strength and ability to hit bigger sets in Open specific movements (Open specific strength)

Movements: Deadlift, Thruster, front squat, overhead squat, back squat, push press

Deadlift, thruster, push press, front squat, overhead squat - Build to a heavy set followed by an AMAP (As Many As Possible) set to practice both heavier lifting under time constraints and bigger sets with relatively heavy weights.

Back squat - 5 x 5 progression for general strength maintenance

Optional strength sessions

Option #1 - Strongman session

Option #2 - Strength session

Movements: Strongman movements, bench press, strict press, weighted pull-ups, single arm DB row, back squat, FR walking lunge, single arm standing DB press, strict dip

Bench press/strict press - 5 x 5 progression (similar to main session back squats), alternating weeks
- 5x5 to 5x3 to H3, every other week
DB Row
- volume progression, every other week
Back squat
- Bigger sets (8s to 6s) with final sets being “+” (AMAP) sets building towards a H5 on the final week
FR Walking lunge
- Volume progression, every other week
Standing DB press/strict dip
- Tempo sets, alternating weeks


Purpose: Develop capacity, strategy and tactics for Open specific movements

Movements: Typical and potential Open movements, chosen based on statistics from the past years

These sessions introduce different types of tasks and scenarios so you can practice the movements both by themselves and in their common Open context.

Remember that practice makes permanent, not perfect. The basic currency of your training is repetition. Therefore the quality of your training is determined by the quality of your repetitions. Make every session a new opportunity to perfect your repetitions and you will be successful.

Optional gymnastics sessions

Develop a strong base of foundational gymnastics strength and body awareness for sports specific movements.


Purpose: Develop your capacity in typical Open time domains (6 to 20-minutes)

SPP/Metcon sessions - Get exposure to Open style workouts. Opportunity to challenge your current capacity and practice your approach to competition events.

Interval sessions - Weekly sport specific (SPP) intervals, focus on repeatability of the effort. You will learn about pacing and develop your awareness of sustainable and unsustainable intensity.

Optional conditioning sessions

SPP/Metcon - Option for more sports specific conditioning work and classic Metcon style sessions. Same rules apply for other competition style conditioning pieces.

Intervals - Monostructural (row, bike, run etc.) conditioning work to help you build your engine for the Open.


Hope you found this article helpful!

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