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Adding Students (Schools)

How to create new students accounts

Sarah Parrish avatar
Written by Sarah Parrish
Updated over 3 weeks ago


You can add students in two ways.

OPTION 1 - We recommend using a system called Wonde to sync with your school database as it keeps things super easy and doesn't cost anything! Find out all about Wonde here. We'll import all students automatically and keep them and the classes they belong to up to date on a daily basis. Sounds amazing, doesn't it?

Important: if your school is already using the Wonde Uploader to sync with your school database, the students may have already been added and you won't need to add them again. Yay!

How do I check if we already use the Wonde Uploader?

Login and go to Account > Classes. Do any of the classes have a small blue shield symbol to the left of their name?

No, there is no blue symbol.

Wonde is not syncing those classes to your school database. You can either continue to add students manually by following the steps below. Or you can consider setting up the Wonde sync to add new students automatically. Don't worry, all existing students accounts will remain, and login details won't change for existing students when you set up Wonde sync.

Yes, there is a blue symbol next to some/all classes.

This means this class is syncing already and by clicking on the class name, you can check if the student account has already been added to the list. If it has, all you need to do is provide the student with their username and password and they can log in straight away!

OPTION 2 - This is manual and requires uploading spreadsheets of students into their classes. If new students join or leave, they will need to be manually added and removed, and in the new school year, students will need to be manually moved up a Year group.

Step by Step Guide

Option 1 - Adding Students Using Wonde Uploader

Great news! If your school already has the Wonde Uploader set up, then the students you want to add are probably already there. Simply go to Account > Classes and click the class the students belongs to so you can view their username and password and download a username label for them.

We use the Wonde Uploader, but I can't find the new students:

Try searching for them by name, using the search bar in the very top left corner of the screen.

If they still cannot be found, it may be because your school has only recently added them to the school database. Wait 24 hours for the sync with our website to happen, then check again.

Still no luck? The sync with your school database may not be working correctly. Please contact for help.

We need to set up the Wonde Uploader:

Great stuff! We have a fantastic guide which will take you through this process below:

Option 2 - Adding Students Manually

Adding individual students

Go to Account > Classes and click the "Add Student" button. If the button is deactivated, you'll need to add a Maths Class first, by clicking "Add Class".

Adding students in bulk / adding a new class

You can upload every class in the school at once and it will create the classes and the student accounts at the same time. If you're a bit daunted by the instructions below, just email and we'll guide you through the process.

  • Prepare a spreadsheet with the students' first name, surname, class and yeargroup. Save time by including several classes in one long list. If you want, you can include extra columns such as DOB, gender, form group. Please look at our Privacy Notice for more information about the data we need you to provide us and why.

Tip: usernames and passwords will be generated automatically if you leave those columns blank. If you do wish to set them, consider matching existing student login details that they are already familiar with.

Important: the header name of each column on your spreadsheet and the order of the columns should match the example below.

  • Copy the data in the spreadsheet by selecting the cells from the top left to the bottom right and pressing ctrl & c (Windows) or cmd & c (Mac). Make sure you've included the top row (column headings) too.

  • Log in to the website and go to Account > Classes > Add > Upload CSV.

  • Follow the onscreen instructions as you scroll down:

    ...Match the column headings
    ....Review the list of imported students (our system will attempt to match students in your spreadsheet to any that already exist on our system)
    ...Press the Complete Import button when it's all ready.

Once it completes, you'll be told they've uploaded successfully and be given the chance to save the username labels, a logins spreadsheet and parent letters.

IMPORTANT - Only add students that are at your school. For data protection reasons, we do not allow schools to share accounts. Read more here.

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