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Paper version (worksheets)- how it works (TTRS)
Paper version (worksheets)- how it works (TTRS)

Using the worksheets in class

Bruno Reddy avatar
Written by Bruno Reddy
Updated this week

The TTRS paper version, available to schools only, is a great way to boost recall and understanding of the tables particularly if devices are not readily available in school.

The magic behind the worksheets:

Central to the TTRS "little-and-often" approach. Use these daily for short bursts of practice. Despite their simple appearance, they pack a pedagogical punch. πŸ₯Š


The packs are really simple to use in class and each contains...

A Baseline

Allow a maximum of 5 minutes.

Use this to get a measure of where they're at now. Ideally enter the scores out of 60 (not the time taken) into the website (by pressing the Enter Data button) so that you can later compare them to the scores for the Checks.

Practice Sheets

Allow a maximum of 3 minutes.

Do not collect the score

The way the questions have been ordered, weighted and presented have been carefully planned. These are not your average practice sheets!
For most impact, get into a daily routine.

Check 1 and Check 2 Sheets

Allow a maximum of 5 minutes.

These follow the days spent doing the practice sheets and are similar to the Baseline sheet so that when you enter the data they allow you to check on your students' awesome progress πŸ‘

Greater Depth

To get greater depth from our worksheets, after going through the answers we suggest asking the class...

Who can spot a pattern from one question to the next?

It may need an example on the board to start with and then ongoing use of the following prompts:

  • What's the same and what's different?

  • Give me an example of...

  • How are the questions are related?

  • What do you notice?

Which set of recall worksheets to use?

There are packs for individual tables as well as combos.

Here is a rule of thumb to go by:



2s, 5s and 10s

typically suitable for year 2/grade 1

3s, 4s and 8s

typically suitable for year 3/grade 2

6s, 7s and 9s

typically suitable for year 4/grade 3

11s and 12s

also typically suitable for year 4/grade 3

Older pupils who have fallen behind would benefit from dipping into any of the above packs.

Full Set

aimed at pupils who already have a grasp/experience of the tables

Do I need to differentiate the worksheets in the classroom?

If different students get different sheets, there's a lot of effort that goes into managing that (from printing/stapling/handing out/storing/replacing different packs to making and scoring different packs).

That effort gets to the point of being so onerous that the gains would have to be exceptional to warrant it. Plus there's the impact on classroom culture when students see they're getting pre-selected for different sheets.

We recommend giving everyone the same sheet. This is better for management, better for culture, and pretty much the same in terms of learning outcomes. Fast students will get faster, not-so-fast students will get faster.


  • If it's the business end of year 4, it may be worthwhile to invest that extra time into differentiating the sheets.

  • If it is a small group intervention, you will have more capacity to manage different sheets for different students. However, always consider whether group culture (i.e. maths confidence) could be negatively impacted.

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