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Touchplan Project Insights for Basic Users
Touchplan Project Insights for Basic Users

Use Project Dashboard Insights to drill into project health metrics

Sarah Cusack avatar
Written by Sarah Cusack
Updated over 3 years ago

The Project Insights Dashboard (for Basic Users) will display a collection of data for an individual’s role within a project in Touchplan. Project members can get a high-level look into their project role(s) and see if their teams are meeting their goals. Drill into these metrics by clicking the Ticket Insights button along the top of the Dashboard.


PPC (Percent Promise Complete) is a reliability metric that calculates what percentage of weekly commitments were met ‘On Time’ in Touchplan over a specific period of time. Touchplan displays promises (or commitments) as black “pins” located on the finish date of the respective tickets. When tickets are marked as complete-- the pins will change color to display red, blue, or green depending on whether the work has finished early, late, or on time in relation to the pinned commitment.

Example: the number of green pins / by the total number of pins (for a specified period of time) = PPC %

My PPC shows the PPC for the past six weeks for Basic Users’ default role(s) in the project. The Project PPC displays the PPC over the past six weeks for all roles in the project.

My Overdue Tasks v My Upcoming Tickets

My Overdue Tasks displays all pinned tickets in a Basic Users role(s) before the current date that need to be updated as either on time, early, or late. To view tasks that need to be completed, click the number of overdue tasks. My Upcoming Tickets shows all future tickets in a Basic User’s role(s).

My Staffing Profile

The My Staffing Profile tile allows for users to view the staffing size for their role(s) throughout the project. Easily monitor the crew size to ensure that there aren’t any unattainable numbers.

To download the data in a tile, select the three-dotted button in the top right corner of the desired tile. Select Download Data and choose the desired format.

For more information about the Basic User Dashboard, check out our Insights FAQ and Insights Glossary.

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