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Trips Overview
Trips Overview
Jonathan Johnson avatar
Written by Jonathan Johnson
Updated over 3 months ago

We’re redefining what a Trip is in Travefy to reflect more of how you work and help you manage your trips easier and faster. With this comes a new look, better organization, and new functionality.

For more information on each topic, just click on the topic!

In this general overview here, we will go over

Changing a Trip's Name

To change a Trip's name, just click on the title of the Trip at the top:

Changing a Trip's Status

To set a status on a Trip, you can click on the Trip and the Status will appear in the top right-hand corner to the left of your name.

Clicking on this will open the options:

Changing a Trip's Label

To add a Label to a trip, click on the Label button here:

Changing a Trip's Owner

To change a Trip's Owner, click on the name in the top right corner, and a list of your team members will appear.

Changing a Trip's Platform

To change a Trip's Platform, click on the Platform button next to the Status, and your available platforms will appear.

The Copy Button

Clicking on the Copy button to the right of the Send button will give you a number options for copying an Itinerary or Proposal:

Let's go over what each option does!

  • Copy to New Trip

    This option will make a new Trip that contains a copy of that Itinerary/Proposal.

  • Copy to Existing Trip

    This option will make a copy of that Itinerary/Proposal into an existing Trip.

  • Duplicate Within This Trip

    This option will duplicate that Itinerary/Proposal within the existing Trip.

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