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Trip vs Proposal vs Itinerary

What's the difference between these three? Read to find out!

Isabella Albano avatar
Written by Isabella Albano
Updated over a month ago


A Trip encompasses everything you add to it, from proposals and itineraries to forms, decisions, pages, and invoices. Just use the "add new" button at the bottom of the screen! It has a separate name (which the client won't see unless you send them a decision) that can be edited by clicking the pencil icon at the top. This name will also appear on your main trips page.


A proposal is very similar to an itinerary, except for the fact that proposals give your client the option to approve it! To learn about the proposal agreement process, click here. Another key difference is that clients cannot download proposals in the Trip Plans app—only itineraries. Once the proposal is approved, it will automatically turn into an itinerary. Lastly, clients will not receive automatic flight updates for proposals.

Proposals will have an orange lightbulb on the side of the cover picture. Once approved, it will turn into a green check mark.


The builder of an itinerary and a proposal is the exact same! There is no approval process for the itinerary and you can directly send it to your clients via email or link. You can also always turn a proposal into an itinerary or vice versa. The itinerary will not have any icon on the side of the cover photo.

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