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Proposal Agreement Form
Jonathan Johnson avatar
Written by Jonathan Johnson
Updated over 4 months ago

When a customer clicks on the Approve button in a proposal, they will be taken to the default Proposal Agreement Form. You can create your own custom agreement form, but the default form which is what is described below.

When a customer clicks on the Approve button in a proposal, they will be taken to a Proposal Agreement Form.

This form will behave the same as other forms in your library, which is to say that once your clients have entered the necessary information and submitted their responses, you will receive an email notification of their form response and proposal approval.

Here's what the default form looks like in your library:

When a customer has viewed a proposal and clicked on the Approve button, their email will have to be verified via the process described here for Electronic Signatures.

Once they've done so, they'll see a condensed overview of the itinerary.

After clicking on Continue, they'll then be asked to provide their name and email address, and then provide their signature.

Once they've done so, they will receive a PDF copy of the approved proposal and form response, and so will you!

A PDF copy will also attached to the itinerary and will appear here in the Trip Activity tab.

Changing the Default Proposal Agreement Form

There are a few options when changing the Proposal Agreement Form that appears in your account.

You can either edit the questions that appear in the default form template just as you would with any other form, or you can create your own custom form from scratch and set that as the default for your proposals. We'll go over both below!

Editing the Proposal Agreement Form

1. Go to your Library

When on your Travefy homepage, just click on the Library tab in the top left side.

2. Find the Proposal Agreement Form

Most recently created or edited items will appear at the top, but you can always search for "Proposal Agreement Form" in the search bar. Click on the form to edit it.

3. Edit the form and save your changes

Make any changes to the form that you'd like, just as you would with any other form.

Changing the Default Proposal Form

To replace the default form entirely with another form you have made, read on.

1. Go to your account settings

Click on your name in the top right corner, and then on Account.

2. Click on Settings

Click on the Settings tab on the left-hand side.

3. Click on Proposal Agreement Form

Clicking on Proposal Agreement Form will present a drop-down option that allows you to search for another form you have created, or make one from scratch!

4. Select desired form

Simply click on the form you'd like to be attached to your proposals, and you're done!

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