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How to Add Hotel Information

Add hotel, lodging and accommodation information from Travefy’s built-in databases

Jonathan Johnson avatar
Written by Jonathan Johnson
Updated over a week ago

You can pull in information for lodging information into your itineraries from a few different sources. The options you see in a Lodging Event will depend on what you have enabled in your account.

By default, you will see selections from Travefy’s hotel database, relevant matches from your library, and web results when searching for a hotel. If you have Virtuoso or Internova SELECT properties enabled in your account, those will also show when searching for a hotel property and any hotel matches will appear in the search results!

Here's how to make a Lodging Event.

Making a Lodging Event

1. Click + New Event

When in an itinerary or proposal, click on +New Event

2. Click Lodging

A list of events will appear. Click on Lodging!

3. Search for the hotel

You can type in the name of the hotel you're looking for in the search bar, and some options will appear!

You can see in this picture, that there are three little bubbles that appear at the top of the search. Those in green show the databases being searched!

Clicking on one of those bubbles will change it from green to white, signifying that it's not being searched in that database. See below to see only Library selected!

4. Specify details(optional)

After making your selection from the database(s), you can add more details! You can specify the check-out date if you'd like, or a check-in or check-out time!

5. Click + Add to Itinerary

All that's left to do is click on + Add to Itinerary!

Other Questions

What is included in Travefy’s search results?

By default, all Travefy users have access to upgraded hotel content and images for certain properties through the lodging import in the itinerary / proposal builder (these will display under “Travefy” when searching for a hotel via the lodging import and will have the Travefy logo next to the property name).

When searching for a hotel, users will be able to see any properties that are available through Travefy’s hotel database, along with any other properties that may match (such as through the library or web results). These properties will show either the library or web icon next to the result depending on where they originated from. Users who have enabled Virtuoso or Internova SELECT in their account will also see any related property matches, which will show the corresponding logo/icon for those properties. See the example below!

How to narrow down search results?

To narrow search results, simply click on the search selection button (it will change to white, as shown above). To add that selection back to your search results, simply click on the item you would like to enable (it will turn green when re-enabled).

Why copyright information displays for Travefy properties

Upgraded hotel content and images available through Travefy’s hotel database are licensed from Giata, a leading provider of hotel content. Due to this, the Giata copyright information will appear when viewing property details when clicking on the hotel (place) thumbnail in the event. See example below:

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