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Can travelers automatically view new itineraries in their Trip Plans app?
Can travelers automatically view new itineraries in their Trip Plans app?

Are travelers/clients able to see new itineraries if they have already downloaded and used the Trip Plans mobile app?

Stephanie Gries avatar
Written by Stephanie Gries
Updated over 5 months ago

Yes! If your client has used the Trip Plans app before, they can automatically view a new itinerary you send them.

How It Works

  1. Traveler's Trip Plans Account: To view a new itinerary, travelers must have a Trip Plans account and be logged into it. This allows us to associate the new trip with their existing account. If they deleted the app, they can redownload it and log into their account.

  2. Sending Invites: The travel professional will need to email the trip invite to the traveler.

Steps for Travel Professionals

  1. Once the itinerary is ready to be sent, press the "Send" button on the top right-hand corner in the trip builder and choose "Email Invite Clients". Click here to view step-by-step instructions

  2. Enter the same email you have used in the past and we will automatically sync this trip into their Trip Plans account.

    Important Note: Just adding a traveler to the trip will not add the itinerary to the traveler's app, instead, you will need to follow these steps and send the it via "Email Invite".

What if the traveler deleted the Trip Plans app?

That's okay! They can redownload the Trip Plans mobile app, log into their account and view the trip.

If a traveler hasn't used the Trip Plans app before, they can follow these steps for a successful download and view their itinerary.

Questions? Reach out to our support team at or via live chat in your Travefy account.

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