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Monthly Overview Report

Understanding the Monthly Overview Report on the Dashboard

Daniel Freire avatar
Written by Daniel Freire
Updated over a week ago

Similar to the Daily Overview Report, the Monthly Overview report starts by showing the gross revenue, net revenue, and breakdown of total revenue by category (i.e. memberships, products, appointments, etc.) for the month-to-date.

Member Changes

  • This section lists any members who have joined or cancelled their memberships in the last month.

Overall Period End Gym Statistics

The following chart compares statistics from the previous month to the current month, as well as the previous quarter to the current quarter.

  • Active Members: Includes members with an active membership on their account + any members with attendance packs selected to be counted towards the overall active member count.

  • Active Memberships: Total members with an active membership plan on their account.

  • Active Attendance Packs: Total members with an active attendance pack on their account.

  • Average Length of Engagement: An average of how long members stay with your gym.

  • Average Revenue Per Member (Gross): Average revenue per member prior to any deductions (i.e. refunds, processing fees, etc.).

  • Average Revenue Per Member (Net): Average revenue per member after deductions (for processing fees, refunds, etc.) are calculated.

  • Average Revenue Per Invoice (Non $0 - Gross): Average revenue per invoice prior to any deductions (i.e. refunds, processing fees, etc.), excluding $0 invoices.

  • Average Revenue Per Invoice (Non $0 - Net): Average revenue per member after deductions (for processing fees, refunds, etc.) are calculated, excluding $0 invoices.

  • Total Class Attendance: Total class attendance month-to-date.

  • Average Class Attendance: Average class attendance month-to-date.

  • Drop Ins: Total drop ins month-to-date.

  • Free Trials: Total free trials month-to-date.

  • On Ramps: Total on ramps month-to-date.

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