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What is a block?
Vanessa Galeano avatar
Written by Vanessa Galeano
Updated over a week ago

A block can be a validator or the configuration of each step of your flow. They are divided into:

Frequent blocks

  1. Answer options: show buttons in a message (3 buttons max). This block is great for a simple navigation.

  2. Open question: send an open question to the final user to collect any type of data.
    *Pro tip: store the user response depending on the message type (text, image, file, audio, etc.).

  3. Data authorization: this block sends a message to the end user to verify that they are authorized to use the data.

  4. Finish chat: the flow will end after this step.

Validator blocks

  1. Document ID: our solution reveals the authenticity and integrity of a document through a thorough and dedicated analisis, it combines forensic techniques with the experience of a specialized team.

  2. Document ID + Face match: verify that the users are who they claim to be. With our facial recognition technology reduce the risk of phishing by comparing an image/video taken by the user and the document photo.

  3. Face match: verify that the users are who they claim to be. With our facial recognition technology reduce the risk of phishing by comparing an image/video taken by the user with a photo defined previously.

  4. Phone: validates the user's phone number through a confirmation code.

  5. Email: validates the user's email through a confirmation code.

  6. Electronic signature: use electronic signature to sign documents.

  7. Background check: consults more than 250 sources in a fast and practical way. Streamline the digital onboarding of your clients.

Advanced blocks

  1. Condition: combine multiple condition to modify the flow execution.

  2. Get validations result: give feedback to your users that their validations were completed successfully.

  3. Connect chat to an agent: connect the conversation to an agent in your CRM.

  4. A/B test: divide the flow by percentage. Experiment by dividing the users in two groups (A/B) and discover which route converts best.

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