How long does it take to get results from a check?
In which countries is Background Checks available?
How to update a background check?
What do the scores by name and by ID mean?
How to download the pdf of a background check
What are the inputs required to perform a check?
Which datasets appear in a background check?
How can I run a Background Check?
How many checks can I do daily?
My background check is taking too long. What could be happening?
What type of background checks are there?
Can I do a background check to someone who has not given me authorization?
What can I do if my report contains something that happened a very long time ago?
What happens if I run a check that doesn't show a result?
In what type of devices can I run a background check?
Is it legal to reject someone in a hiring process based on their background check?
What do I need to run a background check?
What type of information does a background check contain?
What can I do if my report reflects something that is not correct?