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Identifying TryNow Orders with Shopify Tags
Updated over a week ago

How to tell an order is TryNow using order tags

By default, our system adds order tags to TryNow orders, which you can see in your Orders page:

You will also be able to see and manage order tags when you click into the order details page:

Creating a view based on order tags

In order to make it easier to filter based on TryNow tags, you can create a view that will remain on the header bar:

  1. Click the "Search and filter" icon on the top right of the Orders page.

2. Click on "Add filter" on the top left hand corner and in the dropdown, select "Tagged with".

3. Type "TryNow" into the textbox and the Orders page should filter for those orders with the TryNow order tag.

4. Click "Save as" on the top right hand corner and name the view.

The TryNow view should now be present on the header bar:

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