Shopify Order Status
When TryNow orders are placed, they have either of the following payment statuses:
Authorized — if all items in the cart are TryNow
Partially paid — if order is a Mixed Cart and includes Buy Now items
Here's how the "Orders" page in Shopify Admin appears:
Once TryNow orders are captured after the trial ends, the status changes to "Paid" and they appear the same as regular, buy now orders.
Shopify Order Details
The order status will show "Authorized" or "Partially Paid."
The line items in the Shopify "Order Details" page will also contain the selling plan information.
In the payment details section, you will see an expiration date for the authorization. In case orders run long due to extra processing times, our system automatically places re-authorizations the day before the expiration date to ensure that we are always able to capture the proper amount of funds.
You do not need to capture payment within Shopify. Based on returns data, our system automatically computes the transaction balance and captures payment after the trial ends.
Shopify Returns
If there is a return of a TryNow Order, here’s how the “Order Details” page in Shopify Admin appears:
Partially paid, Fulfilled, Return in progress - if there are remaining TryNow items on which to capture payment
Paid, Fulfilled, Returned, Archived - after the return has been accepted
Our app also automatically tags orders as TryNow. Learn more on how to identify TryNow orders using Shopify tags.
Merchant Portal Order Details
In Merchant Portal, you are able to filter by order status as well as search by any order details (ID, shopper name, etc.).
By clicking into the order, you will be able to see several key pieces of information:
The dates of order placement, trial start, trial end, and ultimate payment capture
Line item details
The "Amount to Capture" line reflects the transaction balance that our system has computed based on returns (what our system will automatically capture on the charge date)
The "Captured Amount" line reflects what has been captured thus far
The "Active Authorization" box shows the status of the authorization, the amount, and when it is set to expire. There is an option to Reauthorize, but our system handles this automatically.
Returns data if you are using a compatible returns platform (Loop, Happy Returns, Shopify native returns, or any RMS that uses Shopify's latest Return APIs)