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How do I download a list of TryNow orders?

Export TryNow Order Information

Updated over a week ago

Many of our merchants want to perform analyses using data from other tools, such as their returns platform data exports or Shopify data exports. We make this easy to do in a couple ways:

  1. All of our TryNow orders are tagged with "TryNow" so you can easily distinguish them in platform data exports that can filter by order tag.

  2. You can easily export your order data from Merchant Portal.

To download a list of TryNow orders:

  1. Navigate to your merchant portal at

  2. Make sure you are on the Orders tab.

  3. You may use the date and status filtering to filter for the data you are interested in.

  4. Click on the "download" icon in the top-right corner.

  5. In the “Export Orders” modal, you will see a list of previous exports that you can download. To get the latest data, click Initiate New Export.

  6. Once the export finishes processing, click the down arrow to download it as a .CSV file.

  7. You can use the order_name column to match these orders to data from your Shopify systems or connect your TryNow data back to the rest of your data ecosystem.

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