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NZ National Student Numbers (NSN)

We provide a web service in conjunction with the MoE to allow you to retrieve and allocate NZ National Student Numbers directly via Tuple.

Heena Wilson avatar
Written by Heena Wilson
Updated over a week ago

Important Note:

This service uses SOAP access (an internet data sharing protocol) via the Tuple Student Management System.

Unlike a login for the NSI website – where each user must have their own individual login – this is a login for your PTE to access this service via Tuple.

  1. Set Up REST access for your organisation

The steps to set up REST access for your organisation differs from whether your PTE have their NSI Login Credentials or not.

Learn More?

 2. Use Tuple NSN Service live

If you have NOT encountered any errors in the set up process then, you are ready to use the Tuple NSN REST Service Live.

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