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How do I use the DataBank Datalogger to calibrate the Cyclops-7F, C-FLUOR, or C-Sense?
How do I use the DataBank Datalogger to calibrate the Cyclops-7F, C-FLUOR, or C-Sense?

Getting a Cyclops-7F calibrated out of the box with a DataBank Datalogger

Updated over 2 months ago

We have a handy article that goes over all of the details needed to get a Cyclops-7F associated and calibrated with a DataBank for the first time. This is in conjunction with the user manuals for both the DataBank, Cyclops-7F, C-FLUOR analog version, and C-Sense.

DataBank User Manual: 998-2900.pdf (
Cyclops-7F User Manual: 998-2100 Rev 4.0 (
​C-FLUOR analog User Manual: 998-2123.pdf (
C-Sense User Manual: 998-2410.pdf (

Background Information

The Turner Designs Cyclops-7F and C-FLUOR Submersible Sensors are an accurate single-channel detector that can be used for many different applications. It is designed for integration into multi-parameter systems from which it receives power and delivers a voltage output proportional to the concentration of the fluorophore, particle, or compound of interest. This voltage output is interpreted as a Relative Fluorescence Unit (RFU) that is reported as qualitative data. Relative Fluorescence Units can be correlated to actual concentrations by calibrating the Cyclops-7F or C-FLUOR analog version with standards of known concentrations. The C-FLUOR analog versions comes with an existing calibration and certificate with which you can transfer over the values for if you so choose.

The C-sense is a compact, lightweight, plug-n-play sensor designed for measurement of the partial pressure of CO2 gas in liquids. Combining an oil resistant hydrophobic membrane and a temperature compensated non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) detector, C-sense measures the partial pressure of CO2 in water, oil, and water and oil mixtures. The output of the sensor is directly proportional to the concentration of pCO2. In order to obtain quality measurements, a user needs to understand the effects of the equilibration time and warm-up time of the NDIR detector in the context of the intended sampling protocol.

The DataBank Datalogger is an interpretive meter and self-contained datalogger that powers the submersible sensors. Data can be stored and downloaded to a Personal Computer. Cyclops-7F or C-FLUOR calibrations are simplified through a graphical interface on the computer and results are graphically displayed.

Getting Started with Understanding the Cyclops-7F model

The Cyclops can be used in one of three modes:

  1. Uncalibrated - Raw Fluorescence Mode

    1. Values in the Raw Fluorescence Mode are referred to as “Relative Fluorescence Units” (RFU). It is important to note that these values are not blank subtracted or scaled to a standard. They are relative values.

  2. Uncalibrated - Raw Fluorescence Blank Subtracted Mode

    1. Values in the Raw Fluorescence Blank Subtracted Mode are noted as RFUB. These values are blank subtracted to account for background fluorescence that may be present in the sampling conditions but are not scaled to a standard. They are relative values.

  3. Direct Concentration Mode

    1. Values reported in the Direct Concentration Mode are blank subtracted and scaled to a standard solution that has a predetermined standard value. This presentation will step through using the DataBank to do a Direct Concentration calibration of the Cyclops-7F to ensure values are reported as Blank Subtracted Concentrations in your units of choice.

    2. A Turner Designs Cyclops Explorer (now obsoleted) or a digital voltmeter or multimeter can also be used to calibrate the Cyclops-7F.

The Setup Steps for an example Calibration:

Materials Required:

This is an example using a Cyclops-7F that has rhodamine optics. The instructions below will be very similar to the C-FLUOR or C-Sense with minor changes to the steps.

  • DataBank with pre-wired Cyclops-7 pigtail cable, DataBank USB Interface and Power Cable (P/N 021-2903) and computer with DataBank GUI software.

  • Cyclops-7F configured with Rhodamine optics.

  • Two glass containers covered in black electrical tape

    • We recommend using a 1 Liter sized beaker or equivalent container. This allows for the sensor face to be submerged with more than 3 inches above the bottom of the container and more than 2 inches clearance between the circumference of the sensor and the inside surface of the container.

    • Containers should not be used of general plastic as that can have fluorescent properties.

  • Alternatively, if you have our optional shade cap accessory PN 2100-701, the container type can be ignored. A smaller volume container can be used, as long as the shade cap and sensor face can be submerged fully with no air bubbles.

  • Deionized or ultrapure water

  • Rhodamine Calibration Standard

    • We are using a 200 ppb calibration solution as an example

Calibration of the C-Sense, Cyclops-7F or C-FLUOR

  1. DataBank Setup

    1. This presentation assumes that you have installed the USB cable and DataBank GUI Software onto a computer. DataBank GUI Software is available on the Turner Designs Website. DataBank Handheld Datalogger | Turner Designs | United States Refer to our other help guide on getting the software setup: Troubleshooting Steps to Connect the DataBank to the Computer | Turner Designs Help Center (

  2. Connect the Cyclops to the DataBank and start the DataBank GUI.

  3. Connect the sensor to the DataBank’s Cyclops-7 pigtail cable. Be sure to align the pins carefully and tighten the locking sleeve to secure the sensor.

  4. Press the DataBank’s Power button and the unit will turn on.

  5. Confirm the Cyclops-7F sensor is connected properly and powered by the DataBank by checking to see that the LED is illuminated.

    1. If using a PTSA, Crude Oil, Refined Fuels, FDOM, Optical Brighteners, or Tryptophan Cyclops with a UV LED, avoid looking directly at the sensor’s optical face to protect your eyes. Instead, hold a white sheet of paper in front; if it shows blue light, the UV LED is working properly.
      Example images of a rhodamine sensor and a UV sensor:

  6. Next, select the parameter group (1-16) you wish to calibrate by pressing the DataBank’s Select button to scroll through the parameter groups. For our example we are selecting parameter group 7.

  7. Connect the DataBank to a PC with DataBank GUI Software using the provided interface cable, ensuring it is not connected to an external power source.

  8. Start the DataBank GUI Software and wait for a connection. The DataBank is connected to the PC when the serial number and software version are displayed in the upper left hand corner of the screen.

  9. Click the Calibration tab in the DataBank Software.

  10. Choose the parameter group you wish to calibrate from the pull-down menu – this is our example on group 7 that was chosen during setup on step 8.

  11. Name the parameter group by typing into the available box and hitting enter on the keyboard. If you do not hit enter the name of the calibration will not be saved. Users can enter up to 16 characters. For our example we are typing in Rhodamine.

  12. Cyclops sensors can be used to collect data in any of 3 gain settings. Each gain setting has its own range of concentrations. For more information on this check out our Cyclops-7F page: What is the Autogain System on the DataBank with Cyclops-7F? | Turner Designs Help Center (

  13. To set the DataBank to Auto Gain, click the Auto Gain tab and set the gain values using the Cyclops-7 Default Setting button. The DataBank display should now show Low, Med, or High in the top right hand corner. If this is the C-FLUOR or C-Sense leave it on Auto-Gain selection of 1 like the first image example below.
    C-FLUOR or C-Sense example Settings:

    Cyclops-7F Default Settings, press button for auto configuration:

  14. Click the Calibration tab on the DataBank GUI.

  15. Calibration setup: Fill your glass container with deionized or ultrapure water

    1. Fill the container full enough that there are more than 3 inches of water from the bottom. This will ensure that you are able to completely submerge the optical face of the sensor and still have the recommended 3 inches of water above the bottom of the container. If you are using the shade cap you want to be sure that there is enough water to fully submerge the shade cap as well as the optical face of the sensor.
      ​Example image of a clear beaker below for clarity and the recommended for calibration - darkened beaker fully filled to the brim:

  16. Fill another glass container with the Rhodamine Calibration Standard and set aside. This container should also be filled with roughly the same volume of standard as the blank container.

  17. Follow the instructions on the DataBank GUI screen. Click OK- Proceed to Step 2 when ready.

  18. Ensure inserting the sensor into the container is done at an angle and then straightened up to prevent air bubbles from being trapped.

  19. The Software will start measuring the blank signal for each gain.

  20. When blanking has finished click “OK – proceed to step 3

  21. Put your sensor in a standard solution of a known concentration.

  22. Enter the concentration value of your standard solution in the Enter Standard Value box. For our example we are entering 200.

  23. From the pull down menu, select the unit of measure. For our example, it will be in ppb. Be sure not to choose RFUB.

  24. Click “Proceed to step 4”. The Software will start measuring the standard solution’s signal.

  25. When the DataBank finishes gathering data click “Finalize Calculations”. Then press OK.

  26. The DataBank is now ready for use with the Cyclops-7F and you may begin measuring samples. Values will be reported in ppb units that are blank subtracted and scaled to a standard solution that was used for calibration.

How do I put in calibration coefficient details from my C-FLUOR into the DataBank?

  1. In the AutoGain tab you would set the number of auto gain selections to 1 using that pulldown menu.

  2. Then go back to the calibration tab and click on advanced calibration.

  3. Then in the *mV field enter the calibration coefficient. It’s given to you as concentration per volts so multiply it by 1000 to get mV and enter that number. So if 23 ppb/volt that would be 23,000.

  4. Then in the field below that field enter the offset with a negative sign in front of it. The value is also in volts I believe so make sure to change to mV. Example below of mV being edited in. Offset has not been changed in the image and is on Volts, but that section is where it would go after conversion into mV.

  5. Final output may look like this image below

  6. Possible Error that can pop up. With this, this usually means the calibration certificate provided with the C-FLUOR would not work on the Databank straightaway. It would require that you calibrate the C-FLUOR using the DataBank utilizing the steps earlier.

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