Activate email notifications sent to your customers as part of the review collection strategy.
Email Notifications Available
Review Request - The email sent to your customer after their order is fulfilled
Review Request Reminder - The email sent after the Review Request email when the customer hasn't submitted any review
Review Discount
- The email sent after your customer submits a photo or video review. It contains the discount codeReview Reply - The email notification sent to your customer when you respond to their review.
π‘ Find out more: Learn how to customize the time frame the Review Request and Reminder emails are sent on Sending Review Requests.
Enable or Disable Email Notifications
Go to Requests Queue > Emails
Toggle the switch
to enable or disable an email notification.
Customize Email Notifications
Go to Requests Queue > Emails
Click Edit on a notification
Enter the texts that you want in the following fields:
Subject - The subject line of the email
Title - The main heading of the email copy
Subtitle - The secondary text of the email copy
Button - The text of the CTA button that brings the customer to your store in order to submit the review
Subtext - Additional text, fine print text, etc.
Email variables
- The name of your product that is also displayed on your website for the customers to see{{shop_name}}
- The name of your store.
Email analytics
Sent - The number of emails sent to customers
Opened - The number of customers who opened the emails sent
Clicked - Unique clicks on the CTA button.
Customize Your Email Footer
Use the footer to add information about your store and the subscription source for all your emails. The content can be edited in the template editor.
Footer Text - It can contain the name of your store
Footer Address - The address where you can receive mail
Unsubscribe Text - The text along with the link to unsubscribe from your emails
Subscription Source - Use this text to explain why your customers received your email.
Important: Please know including a postal address (Footer Address) for business and marketing emails is a legal requirement in many countries.
Please reach out to our live chat support if you have any questions, or share any ideas with us here!