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How to Create, Edit & Print Manifests (for Stores)
How to Create, Edit & Print Manifests (for Stores)

Guide for suppliers on how to manifest items for sale online

Rain Gilbert avatar
Written by Rain Gilbert
Updated over 2 years ago


Manifesting is the first step in selling items online. A manifest is a list of items that will be sent to your e-commerce team to evaluate, photograph, and list on your online marketplaces. This guide walks through how to use the manifest page as a store manager or team member.

Before learning how to create a manifest, it's important to know how manifest barcoding works.

When creating a manifest, Upright Lister will auto-assign a manifest barcode to that product. Once the e-commerce team has processed the manifest, you will not be able to edit the barcode since this barcode is how the team tracks each item.

Table of Contents

Store Manager Overview Page

A Store Manager’s overview page in Lister shows a snapshot of the following data points:

  • Total sales by date range

  • Total items sent by date range

  • Currently active listings

  • Total unprocessed items

  • Weekly Top 10 sales

  • E-commerce item preferences

Click the clipboard icon in the top-right header column to navigate to the manifest page.

Store Associate Overview Page

A Store associate’s homepage in Lister shows the manifest page for quickly creating and editing manifests.

Note: A default Store associate role can only see manifests they created and cannot view or access manifests created by other stores or users for the same store.

How to Use and Understand Item Preferences

  • The Item Preferences box on the Manifest overview page shows a curated list of special items your e-commerce team either wants or doesn't want to be sent

  • If the name has an expansion icon next to it, it means additional details are available by clicking the item name


How to Create a New Manifest

  1. Click "Add Manifest" from the manifest overview page

  2. Describe an item and click the “Add Product” button or hit the enter key on the keyboard

    • Repeat step 2 step for each item in the container

  3. (Optional) Add any notes about the manifest you want e-commerce to see

  4. Click "Save manifest" when done

💡Operational Tip: Create one manifest per container of items being sent to e-commerce to help speed up the processing and posting of items online.

How to Print a Manifest Sheet

  • After the store creates and saves the manifest, the final step is to print out the manifest sheet and place it in the container to be sent to e-commerce for processing

  • The manifest sheet (8 ½ x 11") will display a list of the items within the container and a barcode for easy processing

  • Click the “Print Sheet” button to open the printer dialog box and print a manifest from a standard office printer

  • Optional: Stores with Lister Connect installed and compatible label printer can print a manifest barcode instead of the manifest sheet as an additional layer of asset protection. This will provide a barcode that the e-commerce team can easily scan without the contents of the manifest visible outside the container

How to Filter and Search for Manifests

Want to know the status of a manifest or need to add more items to a created manifest? There are three ways to search for manifests in Lister:

Method 1: Search Via Manifest Barcode

  1. Click on the clipboard icon to get to the Manifest page

  2. Use the Lookup Manifest search box to find your item

  3. If you know the manifest's barcode ID, you can type it into that search box

  4. Click the arrow or press return on your keyboard to initiate the search

Method 2: Search via Item Name

  1. Click 'Search manifest items' on the Manifests page

  2. Type in the name of the item (or manifest item barcode)

💡Operational Tip: Hover the mouse cursor over an item status to see more details on why an item was rejected or placed on hold.

Method 3: Filter Manifests by Supplier or Status

You can filter results using the column headers on the manifest overview page.

  • Use the Supplier dropdown to filter manifests to a specific store

  • Use the Status dropdown to filter results to a specific status

    • Created: A manifest that has not been received or worked on by e-commerce

    • Partially Processed: A manifest with one or more items that have not been accepted or rejected or has items placed on hold

    • Processed: Every item on the manifest has been accounted for and accepted or rejected

How to Understand Manifest Statuses

Once a manifest has been received by e-commerce and they begin processing the items, the manifest will update to show the status of each item. The manifest processor can leave notes on the status of a manifest for visibility back to stores.

Manifest Status

  • Created: A manifest that has not been received or worked on by e-commerce

  • Partially Processed: A manifest with one or more items that have not been accepted or rejected or has items placed on hold

  • Processed: Every item on the manifest has been accounted for and accepted or rejected

Item Status

  • Accepted: The item was accepted to be sold online

  • Rejected: The item was rejected. A rejection reason will show next to the item

  • Hold: The item was received but not yet accepted or rejected. A “hold” reason will show next to the item

In addition, e-commerce manifest processors can merge or divide items on a manifest and leave processor notes to share back information to stores.

  • Merged Item: If two or more items are combined into one auction, they will appear with a new name on the manifest

  • Divided Item: If a manifested item can be sold as multiple actions, a new line item will appear on the manifest for each item

  • Processor notes: This section shows any notes left by the processor about the manifest. For example, why an item was merged or divided, placed on hold, etc.

How to Edit a Manifest

Manifests can be edited to add or remove items while they are in the “Created” state, but not once they have been partially or fully processed.

How to View Item Details

  • After an item is listed, the manifest line item will update from “Draft product” to “Product”

  • Clicking the tile in the auction will open the product detail page

  • The bottom corner of this window shows auction details and price

Manifest Event Logs

The bottom right corner of the manifest page shows who created and edited a manifest, along with the users who began and finished processing a manifest.

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