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How to File a Claim with Shipsurance

Guide to starting a claim with Shipsurance directly within Lister

Rain Gilbert avatar
Written by Rain Gilbert
Updated over a week ago


This guide walks through what to do if a package insured via Shipsurance is lost or reported as damaged by a buyer.

Table of Contents

How to Start a Shipsurance Claim in Lister

If an order shipped with Shipsurance insurance, there is a link to file a claim on the order page in the “Actions" column in the shipments section.

Clicking “File a claim” opens a new browser tab to Shipsurance’s online claims portal. Automatically, some of the shipment information will populate. The claim is broken into four sections, described below.

Section 1: Payee Contact Information

This section will automatically populate with your shipping address and is used to mail a physical check if the claim is approved.

Note: By default, Shipsurance will mail a physical check, but you can select to receive an emailed check or PayPal payment in section 3 of the claim form.

Section 2: Claim Information

This section details why the claim is being filed, the buyer’s information, and the declared dollar value of the claim.

The buyer’s information will be pre-populated from Lister’s order page. Seven other details will need to be manually added:

  1. Claim Type: Select from Damage, Loss, or Shortage

  2. Consignee Phone (Optional): Enter your buyer’s phone number in this field

  3. Date Loss Discovered: Enter the date you were first notified that a claim needed to be filed

  4. Claim Contents: Enter the description of the item(s)

  5. Claim Description: Describe why the claim is being filed. For example: “Package lost in shipment due to train derailment”

  6. Carrer Claim Information: If you filed a separate claim to cover the cost of the shipping label with the shipping provider, select “YES” in this dropdown menu and enter the details of that claim in these boxes

    1. Carrier Calim Number: Claim Identification number provided by the carrier

    2. Carrier Check Number: Check number from paid carrier claim

    3. Carrier Check Amount: Amount paid to you by the carrier

  7. Total Claim Amount: Enter the total claim amount you are filing with Shipsurance

Section 3: Claim Payment Method

This section details methods to get your claim payment from Shipsurance.

Select one of the following methods from the dropdown menu:


A paper check will be sent via mail to you to deposit. Ensure you can deposit checks made payable to the payee's name.

Email Check

Shipsurance offers Emailed Checks as an option for paying claims. Shipsurance will send you a real check via email. You print it out and deposit it like a normal check

  1. Ensure you can deposit checks made payable to the payee's name

  2. Enter the email address for the emailed check


If you prefer to be paid via PayPal, enter your PayPal email address. There are no PayPal fees charged to you.

Section 4: Certification

The last section requires you to read and approve the certification before filing the claim.

  1. Read the certification information and click the black checkmark to certify the information in the form is correct

  2. Click the blue “Submit Claim” box to send your claim to Shipsurance

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How to Check the Status of a Claim

Once a claim has been submitted, you will be able to check the status by following the steps below.

  1. Find the order page in Lister and click the “Check claim” link in the shipments “Actions” section

  2. Enter the claim number provided by Shipsurance

  3. Click the blue “Retrieve Claim Status” Button

How to View All Open Claims

Click the blue "Show Other Open Claims" button at the bottom of any claims page to view all currently opened claims on your account.

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How to Add Additional Information to an Open Claim

If Shipsurance notifies you that additional details are needed to complete the claim, follow the steps above to check the claim status and review the following sections of the claim:

  1. Claim Status History: This section provides a complete history of any updates needed to complete the claim

  2. Add Supporting Documentation: Upload any required additional documentation described in the claim history

How to Get Help with a Claim

Shipsurance has a live chat function if you need to contact their team with general questions about filling out the form.

Click the orange chat icon on the claims page to ask them general questions about how to file a claim.

Note: Shipsurance's live chat function cannot answer specific questions about an open claim. If you have a question about a specific claim, please email, call 866-852-9956, or click the green "Message Us About This Claim" option within a specific existing claim.

New Claim Page:

Existing Claim Page:

Insurance Management Center 2023-05-03 at 1.25.13 PM

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