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Suppliers Reports

Track your manifest history from start to finish and monitor your sales with these three reports

Rain Gilbert avatar
Written by Rain Gilbert
Updated over a week ago


The in-app Suppliers reports are a set of three reports perfect for e-commerce and stores to monitor the history of manifest items, acceptance and rejection rates, and sales history of items. This guide outlines how to access and understand the three reports in Lister’s in-app Suppliers Reports pages:

  • Sales Overview: Breakdown of total sold items by supplier, total revenue, along with high, low and average selling price

  • All manifest items: Track the current status of every manifested item in your supply chain

  • User activity: Track trends in acceptance/rejection rates for each supplier

Table of Contents

How to Access the Suppliers Reports

  1. Click the Reports icon in the top right navigation bar in Lister

  2. Click “Suppliers” in the left navigation menu

  3. Click the desired report (Sale Overview, All Manifest Items, or User Activity)

Sales Overview Report

The Sales overview report shows high-level details of item revenue per supplier. Column headers include Total Items Sold, Total Item Revenue, Average, High, and Low selling price per item.

  1. Download: Click to download the report as a .csv or .json file

  2. Date Filter: Select a date range for the report

  3. Supplier: Name of each supplier

  4. Total Items Sold: Count of sold and paid items. The total for all suppliers is displayed at the top of the column

  5. Total Item Revenue: Sum of all sold item prices (excluding tax, shipping, etc). Total for all suppliers is displayed at the top of the column

  6. Total SGW Refunds (Shopgoodwill sellers only): Shopgoodwill reported item-level refunds. Total for all suppliers is displayed at the top of the column

  7. Item Sale Price (High): Highest single-item sold and paid item price

  8. Item Sale Price (Low): Lowest single-item sold and paid item price

  9. Item Sale Price (Avg): Sum of Total Item Revenue divided by Total Items Sold

  10. Navigation Menu: Click to change the number of displayed rows or navigate between pages

💡Operational Tip: Click the column headers in the report to sort the data in ascending or descending order!

All Manifest Items Report

The All Manifest Items report provides a complete history of each item manifested by suppliers, with details on the current status, item name, sale price, and who accepted or rejected the item.

  1. Download: Click to download the report as a .csv or .json file

  2. Filter: Click to switch between when manifests were created at the store level or processed at e-commerce

  3. Date Filter: Select a date range for the report

  4. Supplier Filter: Use the dropdown menu to select a specific supplier

  5. Supplier: List of all suppliers

  6. Manifest Barcode: A clickable link directly to each manifest

  7. Item Barcode: The SKU of each item within the manifest

  8. Item Creator: Teammate who created the manifest item

  9. Item: Name of each manifested item

  10. Manifest Item Status: Current status of each manifest item (accepted, rejected, on hold for authentication.) If an item has no status, it indicates the item has not yet been processed

  11. Product Status: Current status of any item that was accepted. Click here for a breakdown of each status

  12. Sale Price: Sold price of each item

  13. Item Processor: Name of the e-commerce team member who processed the manifest

  14. Manifest Status: Current status of each manifest. Click here for a breakdown of each manifest status

  15. Manifest Created At: Date Manifest was first created

  16. Navigation Menu: Click to change the number of displayed rows or navigate between pages. Use the horizontal scroll bar to show more data

💡Operational Tip: Click the column headers in the report to sort the data in ascending or descending order. Click and drag columns to resize the displayed data. This can be useful for showing the full item name!

User Activity Report

This report shows manifest data after a manifest has been fully processed. Manifests that are partially processed (for example, if an item is placed on hold for authentication) will not be part of this data until the manifest is fully processed.

  1. Download: Click to download the report as a .csv or .json file

  2. Date Filter: Select a date range for the report

  3. Supplier: List of all suppliers

  4. User: Teammate who created manifests for each supplier

  5. Accepted: Total number of accepted items

  6. Rejected: Total number of rejected items

  7. Total Sent: Sum of accepted and rejected

  8. Acceptance Rate %: Percentage of items accepted to sell online

  9. Rejection Rate %: Percentage of items rejected at processing

💡Operational Tip: Click the column headers in the report to sort the data in ascending or descending order!

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