Check out our exciting additions and enhancements for November 2024!
Features and Enhancements for The Field:
Alert when your Mobile App is out of date
Features and Enhancements for Integrations:
Spectrum Purchase Order Method Update
Features and Enhancements for The Office:
Change Order / PO Revision - Email Improvements
Multiple Terms & Conditions
Features and Enhancements for Accounts Payable:
Invoice Date - Default to Today's Date
Allow Assigned Reviewer to be Changed
Features and Enhancements for The Warehouse:
Print PDF WHREQ Pick List
Manage Inventory on Mobile
Features and Enhancements for Integrations
Features and Enhancements for Integrations
Spectrum Purchase Order Method Update
Spectrum Purchase Order Method Update
We recently made an update that allows you to be in control of the purchase order method that’s set on the purchase orders that are synced to Spectrum. Now, when you link purchase orders from Kojo to Spectrum, the purchase order will be set to either 1 or 2 step receiving depending on what you have set as your company defaults or what is set on each specific job. If you would like to have this setting enabled, please reach out to Support or CSM.
Features and Enhancements for The Office
Features and Enhancements for The Office
Multiple Terms & Conditions
Multiple Terms & Conditions
Please see our guide linked here: Multiple Terms and Conditions Guide for additional information on this update!
Features and Enhancements for Accounts Payable
Features and Enhancements for Accounts Payable
Invoice Date - Default to Today's Date
Invoice Date - Default to Today's Date
You can now set the invoice date to the date you open and process an invoice in your inbox.
Previously, our invoicing product extracts the invoice date from the invoice object coming from the vendor. However, some Customers would like the invoice date to be when they are processing it inside of Kojo.
So, we’ve enabled you to do this with a feature flag that sets the invoice date to the day it’s being processed! If you would like this feature enabled, please reach out to Support or directly to your CSM.
Feature Requirements
This feature only applies to Invoices that are in the Inbox state
When you open the Invoice in the Inbox, the invoice date should be set to Today
When you hit Save, that date of “Today” should carry over to the other states of the Invoice
Features and Enhancements for The Warehouse
Features and Enhancements for The Warehouse
Manage Inventory on Mobile
Manage Inventory on Mobile
It is now easier to adjust quantities for items on mobile, including be able to add quantities to jobs and general stock even if there isn’t any stock for that ledger.
Also, you can now move the full quantity and all ledgers of an item into one sublocation by tapping the new Manage Items button.