Our objective when processing a Requisition is to source every requested item and get it to the Job and person who requested it. Kojo's built-in Requisition processing workflows tie in seamlessly to the ordering workflow, minimizing re-entry time, and maximizing order processing transparency and ease.
Once your foremen are using the Kojo Jobsite mobile application, you and your team will begin receiving structured Requisitions in Kojo Office. There are 3 steps:
Navigating to the requisition
Determining the sourcing strategy for the requisition items
Creating orders from the requisition items
1. Navigating to the Requisition
Click "Requisitions" on the sidebar. Once you're on the Requisitions page, click on the specific requisition that needs to be processed. You can easily filter and sort the list by "Requested On" (to prioritize your most recent requisitions) or "Need By" (to prioritize your most urgent).
2. Determining the Sourcing Strategy
Now that you're inside of your selected requisition, you can view all relevant job and delivery contact details in addition to the items that were requested. In complex scenarios, you may not want to single-source the entire requisition to one vendor/distributor in one order. You can select which items you'd like to group into a draft purchase order or acknowledge.
Note: Any actions taken on a requisition's line items will automatically update their status in the Kojo Jobsite mobile app, keeping foremen up to date.
3. Creating Orders from the Requisition Items
After you've grouped your requisition items into draft purchase order, click the PO# you created under the "Status" column to finish configuring the PO before sending it to your designated vendor.