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Kojo Warehouse
Sarala Conlan avatar
Written by Sarala Conlan
Updated over a week ago

Kojo now offers the first-ever solution that connects field to purchasing to warehouse - unlocking your ability to easily track, use, and replenish warehouse inventory. Read on to learn more about how it works.

See exactly what’s in the warehouse, and use it first.

It’s a lot easier to prioritize using warehouse materials when the team can actually see what’s available. The field team can view current warehouse inventory from the Kojo mobile app, and make requests directly from the warehouse.

The warehouse manager will directly receive the field request in Kojo, and when they fulfill the order, the warehouse inventory levels update in real-time.

Warehouse inventory also updates when they receive new material deliveries.

Keep a stocked warehouse to save money and reduce delays.

When you're effectively using up warehouse inventory in the field, you can feel a lot more confident in placing advance, bulk orders - which helps you reduce the effects of pricing fluctuations and backorders.

Using the same Kojo process they already know and love, Purchasing can see when inventory levels in the warehouse are getting low and can issue new RFQs and POs to re-up.

Minimize waste and save money by using leftover materials.

At the end of a job, send leftover materials to the warehouse and add them back into the inventory. Materials can easily be transferred between job and general stock.

Like what you see?

If you would like to take advantage of Kojo's Warehouse solution, please reach out to your CSM or connect with our team at

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