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Warehouse FAQs

Read on to learn answers to our Warehouse FAQs!

Sarala Conlan avatar
Written by Sarala Conlan
Updated over a week ago
  1. Does Warehouse support phase codes on WHREQs?

    1. We do not currently support this yet, but as a workaround you can enter the phase code into the item’s notes, which will also show on the pick screen as a note.

  2. Undoing picks

    1. If a Warehouse User taps a status while picking, it cannot be undone. A potential workaround is to have the Warehouse User cancel the item that was incorrectly marked as picked, and then create a new WHREQ for that item. Another workflow would be to do a manual adjustment for those items and create a new WHREQ.

  3. How Can I Cancel a WHREQ?

  4. What is a Warehouse Overage on the Requisition screen?

    1. Under Item Status on the Requisition screen, you will see Warehouse Overage. This means that a Field User requested more quantity than is available for an inventory item. If there are 50 available and a field user requests 75, it will create a Warehouse Overage to be purchased for the remaining 25.

  5. Is there a way to only show items in stock to the field?

    1. Yes. Go to Admin >> Setup >> Warehouse then select the option for “Hide Unavailable Items from Field Users”

  6. How does warehouse receiving deliveries and picking relate to field receiving?

    1. Warehouse can receive deliveries from vendors into the warehouse. These deliveries are received in the warehouse app. When a Warehouse User receives into the warehouse, it will update the quantity in stock for that inventory.

    2. To deliver material from the warehouse to the field, a Warehouse User can mark material as picked from a warehouse request (WHREQ). Picking material will deduct the amount from that item’s “Quantity in Stock” and update the “Quantity Available”.

    3. When the warehouse delivers to the field, the field can receive against the delivery by going to “Receive New Delivery” then selecting “Warehouse Requests”. When the field receives against a warehouse request, it does not update the warehouse inventory numbers. The purpose of these delivery receipts is to create an audit trail that the field received it.

  7. What is the difference between Quantity in Stock and Quantity Available?

    1. Quantity in Stock is the quantity that is physically sitting in bins in the warehouse.

    2. Quantity Available is the Quantity in Stock minus any outstanding requests that have not been picked yet for that inventory item. For example, if Widget A has 100 in stock then the field requests 25 then the Quantity Available would be 75 and the Quantity in Stock would be 100. After the Warehouse picks the material, the Quantity in Stock would be 75 and the Quantity Available would be 75.

  8. Is there a way to see a total count of all products both in General and then in Job Stock?

    1. If you navigate to your Warehouse Inventory in Kojo, you can select "Export Items" which you can use to export your inventory from the Inventory page and then put it in Excel. You can separately export General, Job, or all Stock from here depending on which tab you select.

  9. What notifications does Warehouse support?

    1. Please see the following list: Warehouse Notifications

If you have any additional questions, please reach out to our Support Team at

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