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Export assets to LinkedIn ABM ads

Step by step instructions for how to generate assets for a LinkedIn ABM ad and add them to your LinkedIn ad campaign.

Updated over 8 months ago

What is a LinkedIn ABM ad? A LinkedIn ABM ad focuses on targeting and engaging specific high-value accounts or companies rather than a broader audience. Userled enables you to power these ads with hyper-personalised image and landing page assets at the account to impress your buyers.

Create assets for a LinkedIn ABM ad campaign

Step 1 - Define your audience

Create your audience with a list of target accounts. We recommend anywhere between 1 and 15 target accounts if you are experimenting with LinkedIn ABM ads for the first time.

Step 2 - Set up your assets

  1. We recommend you select a LinkedIn Square image and a Landing Page so your buyers see a personalised ad image and are redirected to a personalised landing page once they click on the ad.

  2. Define your template including variables such as company name for 1:1 personalisation at the account level

  3. (Optional) Use target-based branding for additional personalisation

  4. (Optional) Override the template for key accounts to roll out the red carpet for those high-value stakeholders

  5. Verify both templates look good for your different targets

Step 3 - Generate and export your assets

  1. Click “Publish” to generate your assets for all targets

  2. Navigate to the overview for your campaign to view your assets and access export settings

For LinkedIn Ads you will need the landing page URL(s) and the image(s) you generated. For a quick export, you can get these from the Assets tab in your campaign overview.

If you are targeting multiple accounts or contacts, and would like to export in bulk, you can export all your assets from the Export tab.

Create a LinkedIn ABM campaign

If you have already created a campaign and wish to add your assets you can skip forward to “Setup your LinkedIn ads with Userled assets”

Step 1 - Create your campaign

Sign in to Campaign Manager

Step 2 - Select or Create a Campaign Group

  1. Create a campaign group under which you will then create individual campaigns for each target account. We recommend naming your campaign group that same name as your audience you created in Userled.

  2. Create a campaign under the group you created in the step above. We recommend naming your campaign with the name of the target audience in your audience.

  3. Choose an objective that aligns with your business goals. We recommend “Brand awareness” or “Website visits” with the goal of capturing your buyer’s attention and driving them to personalised marketing landing pages.

Step 3 - Build your target audience

Your audience is the account you are targeting

  1. Search for the target account and select it from the list

  2. Ensure the forecasted results are valid. Note, the minimum audience size required to run an advertising campaign is 300 members.
    Userled Tip A workaround for targeting smaller accounts is to also target your own company which hopefully results in a target audience above 300. Alternatively, you can target multiple smaller accounts in a single campaign with a broader message targeting their industry and pain points for example. Make sure to target accounts that have similar traits and reference those in your copy.

  3. Make sure you target the appropriate location(s). Adding more locations may widen your audience size. In this example, targeting the United States results in a valid audience size as most of Onfido’s workforce is located in the US.

Step 4 - Select your ad format

Select “Single image” ad format

Step 5 - Select your budget and schedule

If you are new to LinkedIn ABM ads we recommend experimenting with a budget of around $15 per day or the equivalent in your local currency.

Once your campaign is setup, it’s time to upload creatives for your ad. For a single image ad, this includes the image, headline and URL. Continue reading “Setup your ads with Userled assets” below for adding your Userled image and URL to your LinkedIn ad.

Note: you may notice that this campaign targets a single account in your Userled audience. These steps should be repeated for every target account. This is a limitation of LinkedIn Campaign Manager that does not yet support integrations or bulk uploads for facilitating the creation of LinkedIn ABM campaigns 😕

Setup your LinkedIn ads with Userled assets

Once you have generated personalised assets you want to configure them in your LinkedIn ads

Step 1 - Create your ad

  1. Click “Create new ad(s)”

  2. Give it a name. We recommend using the target account name.

  3. Write an introductory text. We recommend calling out the account by name and mentioning a pain point that this account has or a common pain point in their industry that your product offers a solution for.

  4. Copy the landing page URL from the Userled app and paste it into the “Destination URL” input

  5. Download the image from the Userled app and upload it to “Ad image(s)”

  6. Once you have filled in all the required information you should be able to save the ad in order to review your campaign step and launch it.

Step 2 - Review & launch

Once your happy with the look and feel of your campaign and the associated budget you can go ahead and launch it.

Step 3 - Monitor engagement and conversions

Keep an eye on your campaign activity and get notified in real time when key accounts engage with your ad!


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