1 - Login to your Magex platform (Condo Expert / Proprio Expert or Bail Expert) and follow those steps:
English video to come
Click on "Gestion portails locatifs" from your dashboard.
In the "Sélectionner les unités" section, make sure to uncheck "Unités publiées" and to check "Loué" as well as "Vacant" (otherwise, not all your units will be published in Usewalter).
In the "partenaire" section, check "Usewalter", a pop-up will appear, click on "Oui" and "ok".
Finally, click on "Publier unités" at the top-hand corner.
Please note that you must be using the Web version of Proprio / Condo / Bail Expert to benefit from the integration. You can speak with a Magex representative to transitition to the web version if you are currently using the Desktop version.
2 - Once those steps are completed, Magex will automatically synchronize your data with Usewalter.
3 - When the data is available in the Usewalter platform, a Usewalter representative will contact you to finalize your onboarding.
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