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Group Of Companies (GOC)

Everything you need to know to leverage your Group of Companies setup in

Ryan Goetz avatar
Written by Ryan Goetz
Updated over 2 months ago


Group of Companies (or GOC) is an Organization configuration, an ideal way of organizing your companies so that you can work from a single unified view instead of needing to switch between individual entities. Group of Companies requires all companies underneath it to have some uniform settings, such as:

  • Same Configuration: Invoice level fields, item level fields, and settings will duplicate across individual companies

  • Same Output Method: All companies within a Group of Companies organization must either post or export, a combination isn't supported.

  • Same Connection: All companies will have the same ERP/Connected System.

Added Features in Group of Companies

Company Field

One of the most important distinguishing features of Group of Companies, is that the AI will predict which Company an invoice belongs to. A variety of factors determine this prediction, which will improve with additional invoices processed.

There will be a confidence icon, with up to three different predictions made. If the Company predicted is incorrect, you can update it to the correct one if known, or the Group Leader if not. If you don't have access to the Company an invoice is changed to, you will not be able to further modify any values and it will disappear from your view upon a page refresh.

When the input Company is updated to a new Company, please expect the invoice to run through ai processing and predictions once more. This ensures any Company specific metadata is properly assessed.

Group Leader

There is a shell company called the Group Leader. This company should not be used for posting, but instead used as a placeholder. For example, if a Company Prediction is incorrect, if the user is not able to identify the correct company, then switching it to the Group Leader is recommended so that exception handling can easily occur.

Company Tags

Company Tags are ways to look at specific subsets of companies. This is done by attaching a Tag to a specific Company, or selection of them.

This is commonly used to group together similar properties, allowing the creation of Custom Views, to power your workflow. The two most seen versions are:

  • User-Centric Tags: where the name of a colleague is added to the entities they're in charge of. When the colleague is sick or OOO, this allows you to easily search for their entities.

  • Commercial/Business Groupings: Used to cluster together entities that are linked, either by region, owner, or other important relationship.

To create or update Company Tags, please contact support.

Differences in Group of Companies

Duplicate Detection

For Group of Companies, Duplicate Detection requires an exact match on each of the following:

  • Company

  • Vendor

  • Document Type

  • Invoice Number

Sort Options

There is one additional Sort option:

  • Company


There are some minor differences as well as additions.


  • Company Tags

All of these switch from searching for an exact match to an open-ended search. Very useful if you have multiple vendors with a similar name or a common prefix, search for all of them by using the common word.
Example: AT&T would return AT&T Atlanta, AT&T California, AT&T Chicago, etc.

  • Filter: Line Item Data

    • Vendor Contains

    • Invoice Number Contains

  • Filter: Line Item Data

    • GL Contains

    • Dimension Contains

Open-ended searches by the respective values added in.

If you’d like to search multiple terms, put a comma in between your queries to search “XXX or YYY”.


Splitting an invoice in Group Of Companies configuration will simply keep the invoice under the same company instead of making new predictions for a company.

Example: If you upload a PDF that is predicted for XYZFinancials, and then split it into 10 invoices, the AI will keep the original company prediction of XYZFinancials for these 10 invoices.


In order to Merge invoices, they must belong to the same Company. Additionally, the "view last 10 invoices" feature is not available.

Email Ingestion

Emailed invoices will flow into the email inbox set up for the Group Leader, and a Company prediction will be made.

To bypass Company predictions, an email inbox can be generated for a specific Company. If that Company Email Address is used, then that Company will be set as the Prediction.

Approval Workflows

Autonomous Approval Workflows (AAF) are still set at the individual Company level.
As an admin, switch between the company by using the dropdown just over Approval Flows in the left navigation.

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