Release 3.62 PO Rematching
PO Rematching
When making changes to Item ID, Quantity, Unit Price, or Line Amount for a Line Item, you decide when the AI will make a fresh matching attempt.
Trigger it by clicking the “Rematch Invoice” button, or by exiting the invoice, at which point the AI will attempt to make the matches.
Release 3.49 Delete & Restore
View and Restore Deleted Invoices for Invoices
Invoices could always be deleted from the Invoices tab, but now you can see and restore them!
Filtering & Default View
There are new options to show only deleted invoices, a Delete Date range, as well as select the user(s) who deleted invoices you’d like to see! In addition, a new Default View, ‘Deleted Invoices’ has been added to the Views dropdown.
Viewing & Restoring Deleted Invoices
When viewing Deleted invoices, you can only see deleted invoices (even if other selections are made). You’ll see who deleted the invoice, and hover over the speech bubble to show their delete comment.
To restore deleted invoices, first select them and then click the Restore Invoices button.
Delete, View, and Restore Deleted Bills for Payments
Deleting Open Bills
A new action button, Delete, is available when selecting Open bills on the Bill Pay tab.
View Deleted Bills & Audit Log
There is a new Deleted status under the Closed Invoices section of the Filters dropdown. When viewing deleted bills, you can see the Delete action and comment attributed to the user in the Audit Log.
Restore Bills
To restore a deleted bill, click into the Deleted icon, and then click “Undo Delete” to restore it to your open Bills. This is also tracked in the Audit Log of the bill.
Release 3.46 PO Rematching, Excel Ingestion, & Currency
PO Automatic Rematching
As Purchase Orders are updated in your ERP, mostly in terms of quantities being received or accepted, the system will automatically retrigger matching for paired invoices, allowing you to benefit from AI predictions as soon as there are matchable quantities or other updated attributes!
PO Mismatch Approver Dashboard
At a glance, see the number of pending PO Mismatches across all companies that you approve PO Mismatches for, from the home Dashboard page.
Approvals: Control over Header-level Edits
Admins can now more precisely define what fields should be editable during the expense approval process, by having the option to only allow expense line edits, or header level as well.
To preserve existing behavior, edits at both the header and line level are enabled. Visit the Configuration page to disallow header level edits if desired.
Excel Ingestion
More document types are now supported, with the three following Excel formats now valid options, specifically XLS, XLSX, and XLSM. Please note, the printing zone is what is converted into a PDF for processing.
Vendor Tags
If your company utilizes Vendor Tags, these are now visible in the I-icon.
There are now 165 global currencies that are supported by In addition, you’ll now see the confidence icon and score for currency predictions, along with prediction highlighting of the pertinent part of the invoice.
Release 3.33 Approver OOO Mode
Approver OOO Mode
In the User Menu dropdown, click Schedule Out of Office, put in your OOO dates, substitute approver, and click ‘schedule’. It's that simple!
PO Matching
A number of small improvements have been made to PO matching. Read on to learn more about them!
Unit Price & Quantity now show up to four decimals if present.
PO-specific Filters
You can now filter to show only PO Invoices, as well as by the various PO Mismatch Approval Statuses.
Default View - PO Approval In Progress
A new Default View is available, showing all Invoices with POs that have a PO Mismatch approval flow in progress.
Item Line AI indicators and highlighting
Selecting an item line or prediction will scroll to where it comes from on the invoice document.
Smoother User Workflow
The following Actions no longer reset the processing grid when Deleting, Starting Approval, Canceling Approval, or Exporting. The action will take place and you’ll go straight back to where you were.
Autonomous Approval Flows Export
For all companies utilizing Autonomous Approval Flows for Expense Invoices, you can now contact Support via in-app chat for a CSV download of your approval flows.
Release 3.26: Global Vendor Model
The AI can now predict any vendor that exists in your masterdata, even if it hasn’t been seen before. This means that even for first-time vendors, the AI will compare it to your full vendor list to look for a match!
The prediction is based on vendor name, although additional vendor masterdata such as email, phone number, account number, or address will be used in case of a tie. For more information, including how to best leverage this update, please read this article.
Prediction highlighting for the Vendor field has also been added, with the AI highlighting the area most pertinent to the vendor’s prediction.
Release 3.22
Approval Exceptions
Have specific vendors or thresholds below which invoices should always be approved? now supports these workflows, with the System approval option on the Flow steps, allowing you to speed up workflows by having Approval Flows approved by the system.
AutoPost & AutoExport
This time-saving feature means that for every fully approved invoice, will initiate a post or export to the connected system. Note, the invoice does not need to be Autopiloted, just fully approved. Any invoices with an error in posting/exporting to the connected system will need to be corrected before being Posted or Exported. Your team can create a View for errored invoices needing work.
This pairs extremely well with Approval Exceptions, as the approval flow and posting will be performed by the system, providing tremendous time savings and ensuring invoices are paid in a timely fashion.
GL Ranges & Multiselect
There are two new options, allowing you to precisely target your Approval Flows.
GL Ranges: Insert a minimum and maximum value
Multiselect: Select all desired GLs via a dropdown menu
Release 3.21
Today we debut improved Duplicate Detection functionality. These improvements are targeted at reducing fraud and simplifying remediation.
Duplicate Detection
Blocked Actions
There are two new features in Duplicate Detection. On a duplicate invoice, the system will now block the following actions:
Starting an Approval Process
Approving/Rejecting an Invoice
Finding Duplicates
Click View Duplicates from the Duplicate dropdown. This will open up a new browser tab that is prefiltered for the duplicates, allowing for easy deletion, merging, or other corrective action.
Release 3.0
These are predicted like any other dimension, and when this flows into your ERP, the splits defined by your Allocation will take place there.
Like any other data point, the AI will learn over time what allocation should be used in which situation.
Release 2.47
Split Document
The Split feature is now accessed from the Document Viewer, from the Edit menu.
Once you’re in the Split tool, document thumbnails are on the left, and clicking them advances to that page. Otherwise, scroll the pages on the right, and click in between the pages to split the document, creating a Seam.
As you split the document, the thumbnails on the left will update to show the documents that will be created.
To perform the Split action, click the Save button found at the top right of the document viewer.
Once you’ve placed a Seam, you’ll see a box denoting the end of a document to the left. On the right are buttons to:
Shift the Seam up a page
Shift the Seam down a page
Remove the Seam
Group of Companies: Sort & Filtering
For those utilizing our Group of Companies configuration, precision targeting and Custom Views received a tremendous boost, as you now have a wealth of specific ways to map Custom Views to your specific workflows!
Sort: Company
Prefer working Company by Company down your list of open invoices? Then you’ll love the new sort option, Company!
Filter: Invoice Level Information
Company Tags
A new searchable filter, available as a multi-select option.
Vendor Contains
An open-ended vendor search. Very useful if you have multiple vendors with a similar name or a common prefix, search for all of them by using the common word.
Filter: Line Item Data
GL Account Contains
Dimension Contains
Open-ended searches by the respective values added in. If you’d like to search multiple, put a comma in between terms to search “XXX or YYY”.
Release 2.46
Mobile App Notifications
The next time you log into your account, you’ll be prompted to allow Notifications.
After you do, each time it’s your turn in an approval step, you’ll receive a notification with a summary of the invoice data like below.
Tapping the notification will launch the mobile app and take you directly to the invoice in question so you can approve or reject it!
For iOS users, you’ll also see a handy badge on the app, indicating how many Approvals are waiting for you!
Release 2.45
Views: Expanded Filter & Sort Options
Sort: Amount
For our Sort options, we have added Amount, so that you can look for amounts large to small or reversed!
Filter Options
Your options have been greatly enhanced, so please read through this so you can understand and best leverage your new options to save you time!
Filter: Status
There are three Subcategories, and you can now multi-select each option.
Open Invoices
Invoices that are not yet in a closed state and still require processing.
Unreviewed: An invoice without an error
Reviewed: An invoice without an error that has been switched to reviewed
Error: An invoice with any of the following statuses Duplicate, Missing Required Field, or an Error in Posting, Exporting, or Transferring
Closed invoices
An invoice that can no longer be modified in
Posted: Invoice has been Posted to the Connected system
Exported: Invoice has been Exported out of
Transferred: Invoice has been Transferred to the Connected system
The current approval status of these invoices.
Process Required: An invoice that hasn't begun an approval process yet
In Progress: Approval is underway
Approved: Approval is complete
Rejected: An approver has rejected the invoice
Cancelled: Approval process has been cancelled
Filters: Invoice Data
All of the header level information about invoices are covered in this section.
These options are multi-select.
Document Type
Vendor Credit
Select your desired vendor(s), including vendors that were previously used but no longer current.
The next four options are all ranges, and share the same functionality. You can use them to set a minimum or a maximum value. If you use both, you’ll search within that range!
Invoice Date
Due Date
Inserted At
Invoice Number Contains
We’ve updated to Invoice Number Contains from the previous option, which was Invoice Number Begins With. Your existing Views that used this will still work.
Invoice ID
This is still the unique value found by hovering over the checkbox to the left of an invoice.
Filter: Line Item Data
An entirely new section, you can now search by GL account and any dimensions in use!
The dimensions shown will vary based upon what is in use by your company. These use the same multi-select search fields like Vendor.
Document Viewer
Access the document viewer by clicking on the right side drawer. The existing keyboard shortcut, ‘alt + i’, still works too!
Document Options
All existing functionality lives in the new viewer, which includes:
Close Viewer
Page Jumps
Download Document
Switch to External Display Viewer
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Reset View
Rotate Page Approvals and Posting
If a company’s Configuration does not require “Approval before Posting”, if an invoice is posted while an Approval process is underway, this will cancel the Approval process.
Release 2.38.0
Today we release two features to increase your efficiency. We’re very excited to debut Asynchronous Post & Transfer, which removes the “in progress” screens, instead returning you immediately to In addition, we’ve improved our handling of deleted master data.
Asynchronous Post & Transfer
We’ve completely eliminated the In Progress screen when posting or transferring to a connected system. Now, after you’ve confirmed the action, you can immediately take further actions in while we continue to send all the information to your connected system in the background!
There are accompanying visual icons and effects to tell you at a glance these new states. For partial and errors, you can enter into the field for additional information.
In Progress: The status icon is grey, with a revolving outline
Posted: The status icon is blue
Partially Posted: The status icon is yellow
Posting Error: The status icon is red
Deleted Master Data will generally sync with your connected system at least once a day. If a piece of data such as vendor, GL account, or dimension has been deleted there, will now prevent you from taking further actions with the deleted value. You’ll no longer be able to post, export, or begin an approval process until you update the value.
Release 2.36.0 continues to increase AI visibility, enhancing our support of multinational companies with foreign vendors, with IBAN now a predicted field just like Invoice Number or Invoice Date. In addition, we listened to your feedback and the Bill Description and Item Description fields now display two lines of text, making it easier to read the description at a glance!
IBAN - International Bank Account Number
You can quickly and easily pay foreign vendors utilizing IBAN. Enjoy the same AI predictions and color-coded Confidence Icons!
Multiple IBAN predictions: If multiple IBANs are found on a document, you can scroll through the options in the prediction table.
Bill and Item Description
These fields now show two lines of text.
Entering into the field will expand the table so that you can see the entire description.
Release 2.34.0
This release contains a ton of small improvements as well making the AI predictions more transparent.
A new (optional) field has been added, Predicted Total Amount. It shows the AI’s prediction of an invoice’s total amount, so that if any line item modifications are required you can reference the original total amount.
Further processing grid improvements have arrived, which includes newly ingested invoices appearing automatically, updated Status and Approval icons, as well as a lock icon for non-editable fields!
Predicted Total Amount
This new field can be added by Admins in Configuration. This field shows the AI predictions for Total Amount, allowing you to freely make edits to the line item amounts while not losing track of the original amount!
In order to begin Approvals, Post, or Export an invoice, the Predicted Total Amount and Total Amount fields need to match.
Automatic Invoice Ingestion into Grid
If you upload fresh invoices into, after a brief processing period, they’ll automatically appear at the top of the processing grid, no browser refresh required!
Status and Approval Icons
The icons have been updated with a cleaner and more consistent iconography. Not shown are some new statuses that aren't in use yet, but will be as we continue to expand functionality.
Locked Field
Any time a field is non-editable, it will have a Lock icon, as well as a message on hover explaining why it’s locked.
Release 2.32.0
Today debuts the first iteration of an improved processing grid for the Invoices tab. In addition, Views are now a feature of our Approvals tab. Views allows an approver to sort and filter invoices awaiting their approval or see historical approvals that they were a part of. Lastly, the AI’s predictions are more visible with a confidence icon for dimensions when “No Value” is predicted!
New Processing Grid - debut for Invoices
We’ve been hard at work shifting to a more powerful and flexible framework for our processing grid, which will enable many future enhancements. The first changes deploying today to Invoices are largely visual and performance-related, other than changing how actions are performed.
The Action Bar has disappeared, and now when invoices are selected, the column headers will be replaced with Action Buttons.
Views for Approvals
Views are a specific set of filters and sort behavior. provides you with two default views, and you can create and save custom Views on a per-company basis to reflect your unique workflows. Most importantly, you can now see invoices where you were on an approval step, letting you see everything you’ve previously approved!
Default Views:
All Approvals: Invoices that include you in a current, upcoming, or completed approval step
Ready to Approve: Invoices that required your approval
Confidence Icon for “No Value” Prediction
When a dimension field is blank, this is because the AI predicts that “No Value” is the correct choice. Now, that confidence is visible by the addition of the confidence icon to Dimensions where “No Value” has the highest confidence.
Release 2.30.1
We are excited to announce the first of a few planned improvements for the Approvals tab. This week we debut the first iteration of an improved processing grid that will eventually deploy to the Invoices tab.
New Processing Grid - debut for Approvals
We’ve been hard at work shifting to a more powerful and flexible framework for our processing grid, which will enable many future enhancements. The first changes deploying today to Approvals are largely visual and performance-related, with the exception of changes to actions.
The Action Bar is gone! Now when invoices are selected, the column headers are replaced with action buttons.
Release 2.29
Following up on last release, the Vendor I-icon now can display Account Number and Payment Gateway information synced from a connected system.
In preparation for future Approval Notification improvements - specifically mobile app and eventually web-based notifications - the immediate and daily summary approval email notifications have been disabled. You can enable them by visiting the Settings section of the user menu.
We’ve also improved our handling of master data from connected systems namely Vendors, General Ledger accounts, and Dimensions. Deleted data will now be a searchable field so that you can find your historical invoices!
Vendor Information Icon (I-icon)
The Vendor I-icon - accessed with the “Control + i” keyboard shortcut or by clicking the ‘i bubble’ next to a vendor - will display up to three data points from your connected system. These are:
Account Number
Payment Gateway
Approval Email Notifications
For Approval users, the Approval Notification Emails have been defaulted to off. If you would like to enable them, follow the steps below.
Log into
Click the User Menu in the top right corner of the screen
Click Settings
Enable the desired settings
Approval Notification Emails:
Notification per Invoice: Receive an immediate notification for invoices awaiting your approval
Notification per Day: Receive a daily summary of invoices awaiting your approval
Improved Search for Deleted Vendor, General Ledger Account, and Dimensions
If a piece of data is deleted or made inactive in a connected system, that change will flow into The piece of data will not be available as a selection for new invoices, but you can search for these deleted data points in order to see what was processed in before deletion.
Release 2.28
Vendors are receiving two enhancements.
The first is that the I-icon will display address and account number for vendors created in! Future releases will show the same details for vendors synced from a connected system as well as the Payment Gateway field.
For companies allowing vendor creation, Admins have greater flexibility to control which fields appear and are required.
Vendor Information Icon
The Vendor Information Icon - accessed with the “Control + i” keyboard shortcut or by clicking the ‘i bubble’ next to a vendor - will now display up to two data points if created within These are:
Account Number
Vendor Configuration
Organization/Company Admins are able to now control which fields will appear for users creating a new vendor within These controls live on the Configuration page.
You can control:
Which fields appear
Order they’re in
What they’re named
Make fields required
Release 2.26
Action Button
This menu houses several important functions that were previously found in the Navigation Bar, namely Sync, Invoice Upload, and Email Ingestion.
Trigger an on-demand fresh pull of vendors, chart of accounts, and dimensions from your connected system.
Invoice Upload
Email Ingestion: Each company has a unique email address to receive files. Click the name to open a prefilled email in your default email application and attach the files to it. Or click the icon to the right of the email address to copy it to your clipboard.
File Upload:
Either drag and drop files directly onto this menu
Click Browse in order to select file(s) from your computer
Alternatively, you can watch a video walkthrough:
Release 2.25
Audit Log
The Audit Log - showing all edits and actions taken on an invoice from ingestion to exit - has migrated to the side drawer, joining Approval History. Open/close the side drawer with the hotkey ‘shift + d’, or click “View Audit Log” from the Status column.
Add Vendor
After creating a new vendor within, you’ll now see a looping blue line around the vendor cell, showing that the vendor is being created. During this time, you can continue working within If an error occurs during vendor creation, revisit the vendor cell for more information.
Please note, the capability to add vendors may be restricted due to configuration or connected system limitations.
Sample vendor error message
Missing Field Indicator
The hover tooltip will now detail which required fields are missing from a line item.
Sage Intacct Integration
The connection to Intacct has been enhanced, and is now capable of:
Add Vendor: Create a vendor from within
Invoice Transfer: Have a W9 or other non-invoice document? Transfer it to Intacct for storage.
Historical Data Modeling: Onboarding new Sage Intacct clients? Now we can bootstrap the AI’s learnings by examining your historical AP processing!
Release 2.23
New Currencies
A number of new currencies are supported in, to see them all please visit this listing.
Updated Invoice Actions
For the following invoice actions, you can now confirm the selected action by pressing the “Enter” key on the confirmation screen for increased efficiency.
Missing Field Indicator
Various improvements have been made, including improved hover tooltips and real-time updates as missing fields are added to an invoice.
Release 2.20
Add Vendor
The vendor creation flow has been improved and was shifted to the same side-drawer where Approval Steps live. You’ll still create new vendors by clicking ‘add vendor’ from the vendor field. Note, not all companies allow vendors to be created within and instead only sync them from the connected system.
Updated Invoice Actions
The look and feel for the following invoice actions has been updated, with more descriptive messaging as to why certain actions are blocked based upon missing data, configuration settings, or errors from the connected system.
Profile Photo
Make your profile unique by adding an image, which will appear throughout in places like the Change History or Approval flow.
Release 2.18
Navigation Bar Enhancements
Company Selector
This has migrated to the leftmost part of the Navigation Bar, and now has the same search functionality like the Vendor field, which constantly updates based upon what you’ve typed into the field.
Upload Document & Toggle Document Preview
These two actions were among the most common ones taken, and have migrated to the Navigation Bar. No more clicking into a menu (although you can still toggle the in-app image viewer with the “shift + i” shortcut)!
Settings: Approval Notifications & Language
In the user preferences menu, the “Settings” section now controls the language that comes in, as well as two Approval Notification options.
Email Per Invoice: An email is sent when it is your turn in an approval process
Email Per Day: An email is sent every day, listing all invoices awaiting your review
Release 2.17 Approvals
The look and feel of Approvals is brand-new, with all existing functionality now living in a collapsible side-drawer. This drawer can be opened or closed with a keyboard shortcut “shift + ‘d’ ”, or by clicking the orange arrow on the far left of the screen.
There are several benefits to the side-drawer, primarily that you can view the invoice coding, invoice document, and approval flow simultaneously. Try moving between invoices while viewing the approval flow, it's a breeze! Approvals now allows you to initiate any number of selected approvals, as long as they have an approval process, which can be defined by Autonomous Approvals.
Release 2.13
Video Walkthrough
To learn the Views end-to-end and pick up a few tricks, click here to watch the video walkthrough.
Change View Order
Using the two vertical parallel lines to the right of a View, you can drag and drop Views to rearrange their order, which is uniquely remembered for each of your Companies. This is very important as the top View will always load when switching to a different Company. Put your most commonly-used View up top and save time!
Invoice Count
Now look at the bottom of each View to see at a glance how many invoices meet the search criteria!
Email Notifications
You can also control the frequency of communications by accessing the Profile section of the Mobile App. A future release will make this available in the web browser.
Release 2.12
Views are a specific set of filters and sort behavior. will provide you with a few default views, and you can create and save custom Views on a per-company basis to reflect your unique workflows. Keep your eyes peeled for even more improvements soon!
Email Notifications
Our Approval email notification templates have been upgraded with more descriptive details, especially for our daily summary email. In addition, the button in the email will navigate you directly to the correct company and tab!
Release 2.11
Invoices that have been Autopiloted by the AI will now display a clear indication - the Autopilot Icon - to the left of the invoice, clearly identifying those where review isn’t necessary.
For Organization Admins, you can now control the following, on a per-Company basis:
Which columns appear
Order in which they appear
Column Width
If a field is Required
If a field is Editable
In addition, the Settings section controls company-level settings, especially in regards to Approvals. Organization Admins, from the Admin section click into Configuration, where you’ll learn how to make these updates via our in-app Product Tour!
Release 2.08
User Management
For Organization Admins, a full User Management console is now available, granting the ability to:
Download a CSV of all users and their company permissions
Add new users
Delete users
Edit existing users and their company permissions
Release 2.05
Vendor Information Card: View Recent Invoices
Need to see how previous invoices for a vendor were coded? Well this feature is meant for you!
We’ve added “View Recent Invoices” to the bottom of the vendor information card. Clicking it will open a new browser tab, filtered to this vendor.
Of course, for those power users that love efficiency and your keyboard shortcuts we’ve cooked up a new one for you! Access the vendor information card via ‘Control + i’
Math in Amount Cell
Our AI is improving every month, and can even predict some of your splits! If our AI misses something, and you need to code a split manually, you can now do simple math operations in any amount cell. Use the symbols below and will perform the calculations for you!
Addition: +
Subtraction: -
Multiplication: *
Division: /
Release 2.03
Review Status
In the Status column, we’ve added two new statuses:
Unreviewed: When an invoice is uploaded to, it starts as unreviewed.
Reviewed: Once you’ve finished processing the invoice, you can mark it reviewed, signifying to yourself and colleagues that no further processing is needed.
We have lots of improvements coming to status, like letting you filter on every status, helping you change the status with the keyboard only, and marking Autopiloted invoices. Stay tuned!
Document Viewing
We’ve made improvements to our document viewer, to better accommodate large documents and slower internet connections. As you cycle through invoices, documents will load in a jiffy! Autonomous Approvals
No more squinting at spreadsheets to see who needs to approve a $5,001 Marketing invoice for the Los Angeles office. And no more checking approvers for every invoice. Using Autonomous Approvals, you can take your client’s approval process needs, and make them happen automatically, with guaranteed correctness, every time. Reach out to the team to learn more and turn on Autonomous Approvals per client.
Post to QBO
QBO joins Sage Intacct as an integration that can optionally have the approval history appended to the invoice document when posted. The invoice’s approval history is now always knowable, both in AND out of it!
Mobile App
The mobile app - available for both iPhone and Android - is the smoothest approval experience around. Approvers can easily read the invoice document, examine recent invoices from the same vendor, make edits as needed, and unassign or reassign their approval obligation. Download the app, and follow our in-app tour to get up to speed fast!
Release 2.02
Control Bar
Our new Control Bar combines three pieces of functionality into a single place in the app:
List selection
Layering these three together lets you slice down to invoices of interest. Eventually you can start with open invoices ordered by insertion date, then switch to Autopiloted invoices, then switch to approved invoices ready for posting, then switch to posted invoices for a particular vendor….the Control Bar makes it fast and easy 👌 .
In the filters section of the Control Bar, you’ll find multiple ways to slice down to invoices of interest:
Invoice Status Approval Status
Search by:
Invoice Number
Invoice ID
Insertion Date range
Your selections in the Control Bar are captured in the browser URL. This has two significant benefits:
You can bookmark URLs, allowing you to quickly switch between commonly-used invoice views.
By sharing the URL, you can share your exact view of the invoices. Collaborating with a colleague just got easier.
We’ve pared the dashboard down to the basics (for now 😄 ):
Open Invoices Per Client -- See what invoices require your work for which clients, all in one place.
Pending Approvals Per Client -- If you use the approval process, see what invoices require your approval for which clients, all in one place.
Release 2.01
Dimension Predictions
In order to fully leverage our Autopilot automation feature, some clients and vendors will require a shifting set of dimensions be used. To support this, will now predict dimensions and learn over time from your input just like all other fields. Dimensions with predictions will be:
These predictions will appear with the color-coded confidence indicators, ranging from red to green.
Please note: “No value” is a prediction with a confidence score but not the color-coded confidence indicator, as not every invoice will utilize every possible dimension. Integration: Approval Group Support now supports approval groups. You can now define a approval workflow within that uses approval groups.
As always, syncs back the results of the approval process, showing you whether the bill was rejected. If so, we’ll open the bill up for you to make required edits and repost. If this functionality isn't enabled for you, reach out to us via the chat bubble!
Sage Intacct Integration: Project & Customer Dimension Support
Support for these dimensions has been added to If you utilize these dimensions, reach out to us via the chat bubble to have them enabled.
Release 2.0
Invoice Processing Grid
There are many, many functional and visual improvements in v2 of invoice processing grid. Below is a brief overview.
New & Enhanced Functionality for:
Direct Editing of fields
Confidence Indicators
Invoice Date/Payment Terms mismatch
Fraud Detection
Group Posting Edits
UI Updates for:
Required Fields
Vendor Info Icon
Keyboard Shortcuts ID Number