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Configuration Management

Where Organization Admins can manage the Invoice page for Companies

Ryan Goetz avatar
Written by Ryan Goetz
Updated over a week ago

There are four components of the Configuration page for Organization Admins. First and most importantly, this page will modify the current Company selected from the Company Selector.

The main Configuration sections are:

  • Invoice Fields

  • Expense Line Item Fields

  • Items Line Item Fields (POs)

  • Add Vendor Fields with Mapping Table

  • Settings

On the Configuration page you control:

  • Which columns appear

  • Order in which they appear

  • Column Width

  • If a field is Required

  • If a field is Editable

The Settings section controls company-level settings, especially those regarding Approvals.

Configuration Management Video Walkthrough

Adding, Updating, and Deleting Fields

Adding a new Field

  1. Click Add new field...

  2. Type/search the options for the desired field

  3. Select it and hit the Enter key, or click on the field

Adding a Dimension Field

  1. In the Line Item Fields section, Click Add new field...

  2. Type/search for "Dimension"

  3. To the right, type/search for the desired Dimension

  4. Select it and hit the Enter key, or click on the field

Updating a Field

There are several parts of a field that you can edit. Please Note: some fields have greyed out options, as they only work with within a specific configuration.

  1. Name: Rename the field by selecting and making edits

    1. To see original column name, hover over the name with your cursor

  2. Editable: If checked, the field can be edited

  3. Required: If checked, this field is required

  4. Width: Adjust the width of this field in pixels, the width can be typed in directly. Note, many fields have a minimum width, and even if you input a smaller number the minimum width will be used.

Changing Field Order

In order to change the order in which columns appear, you can click and drag a field into the desired position.

Deleting a Field

In order to delete a field, click the red "x" on the right side of the field.

Invoice Fields Configuration

Determine which columns appear for this Company at the invoice level. A full list of available fields are below.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are highly recommended.

Field Options

  • Status**: Provides visibility and access to important document status.

    • Mark an invoice reviewed/unreviewed, invoice audit log, invoice status icon

      • This field is not removable

      • Minimum Width: 85

  • Payment Terms*:

    • Format: Prediction, with text field and dropdown

      • Minimum Width: 100

  • Invoice Number*:

    • Format: Predictions list and free text field.

      • Minimum Width: 150

  • Vendor*:

    • Format: Predictions list. Free text typing into dropdown menu of options

      • Minimum Width: 150

  • Invoice Date*:

    • Format: Predictions list and a calendar widget

      • Minimum Width: 150

  • Due Date*:

    • Format: Predictions list and a calendar widget

      • Minimum Width: 150

  • GL Date*:

    • Format: Predictions list and a calendar widget

      • Minimum Width: 150

  • Type*:

    • Dropdown, decide between bill and credit

      • Minimum Width: 125

  • Amount*:

    • Note: Select Amount ex VAT and rename the field

      • Minimum Width: 150

  • Currency*:

    • Free text typing into dropdown menu of options

      • Minimum Width: 110

  • Approvals: Icon of current approval status

    • Initiate approval process

    • See state of approval process

      • Minimum Width: 105

    • Contact Chat Support to create new Custom Fields

      • Minimum Width: 50

  • Inserted At: Date an invoice came into

    • Not an editable field.

      • Minimum Width: 125

  • PO Number: Posts to the PO field in connected system

    • Free text field. No predictions.

      • Minimum Width: 150

  • Bill Description:

    • Free text field. No predictions.

      • Minimum Width: 175

  • Approval: Icon showing approval status

    • Menu to change approval flow

      • Minimum Width: 75

Expense Line Item Configuration

Determine which columns appear for this Company at the line item level. A full list of available fields are below.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are highly recommended.

  • GL Account*:

    • Format: Predictions list. Free text typing into dropdown menu of options

      • Minimum Width: 150

  • Amount*:

    • Note: Select Amount ex VAT and rename the field

      • Minimum Width: 150

  • Item Description:

    • This is the line item text that will post to the connected system

      • Minimum Width: 150

  • Item Text (On Invoice)*: alphanumeric characters

    • This is the text scanned from the invoice document for the selected line item

    • Does not post to the connected system

    • Note: Not editable

      • Minimum Width: 150

  • Billable:

    • Should only be used with the Customer dimension

    • Yes / No option

      • Minimum Width: 75

Dimensions (samples below, available dimensions are dependent upon your synced masterdata)

  • Class

  • Customer

    • Note: Billable must be added separately

  • Department

  • Job

  • Location

  • Project

  • Allocation

  • Minimum Width: 150 for all dimensions

Item (PO) Line Item Configuration

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are highly recommended.

  • Item ID*:

    • This is the text scanned from the invoice document for the selected line item.

      • Minimum Width: 100

  • Quantity*:

    • The Quantity for an item line

      • Minimum Width: 75

  • Unit Price:

    • The Unit Price for an item line

      • Minimum Width: 100

  • Line Amount*:

    • The Total Amount for an item line

      • Minimum Width: 100

Add Vendor Settings

Determine which columns appear for this Company when creating a new vendor. A full list of available fields are below. Field

Sage Intacct


Vendor Name




Address Line 1




Address Line 2








Postal Code


















Phone Number




Organization Number

Vendor Account Number




Tax ID







1099 Vendor



Control Settings

Here you can control a variety of settings, deciding actions that are permissible for this Company.

Ways Invoices Can Leave

  • Enable Posting: If selected, the Post button is available to the user.

  • Enable Exporting: If selected, the Export button is available to the user.

  • Enable Transferring: If selected, the Transfer button is available to the user (under More).

Changes to Masterdata

  • Disable Vendor Creation: If selected, the Add Vendor button is unavailable to the user (on the menu when a vendor field is being edited). Expense Approval Process

  • Block approval if missing required fields: If selected, then all required fields (see the Required checkbox on each field) must be filled out for an approval process to be started.

  • Enable editing while undergoing approval: If selected, then an invoice can be edited while undergoing an approval process. If unselected, then once an approval process starts, it is locked to edit. Approvers can edit the invoice, and accountants can edit the invoice.

  • Enable editing of approved invoices: If selected, then an invoice can be edited after being approved. If unselected, then once an invoice is approved, it is locked to edit.

  • Require comment on rejection: If selected, any approver that wants to reject an invoice is required to leave a comment.

  • Require approval in order to post: If selected, an invoice that isn’t approved cannot be posted.

  • Require approval in order to export: If selected, an invoice that isn’t approved cannot be exported.

  • Require approval in order to transfer: If selected, an invoice that isn’t approved cannot be transferred.

Purchase Order (PO) Matching

  • Require matched items in order to post: If selected, then all item lines must be matched to a PO before the invoice can be posted.

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