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Common Posting Errors

FAQ of commonly-seen errors, with the error messaging, context, and suggested remediation by integration.

Caryn Englishbee avatar
Written by Caryn Englishbee
Updated over a month ago supports a number of integrations. These integrations can have custom error messaging, below are some common errors seen by We have organized by connected systems/ERPs. If you have any specific questions on the posting error seen on your invoice, please do not hesitate to contact support via the chat bubble or

Netsuite Posting Errors

Posting Failed: You cannot add an item and purchase order combination that does not exist to a Vendor Bill.

Steps for remediation:

  1. Confirm the Invoice and Purchase Order Vendors are the same

  2. Confirm the Vendor and dimensions (GL Code, Location, etc.) are associated properly in Netsuite

Error: The following items are missing in Purchase Order PO-XXXXXXX: Line 1, Line 2, Line 3,...

Steps for remediation:

  1. The PO is closed, and needs to be reopened in Netsuite before you can post

Error: INVALID_FLD_VALUE\\\“,\\\“message\\\“:\\\“You have entered an Invalid Field Value XXXXXX for the following field: item

Steps for remediation:

  1. This value is not valid. It has likely been inactivated in the connected system. Check the PO and update the item code as necessary before attempting to post again.

Error: An error occurred: Cannot read property 'vic_external_id' of undefined. Please check the code to ensure that the 'vic_external_id' property is properly defined before accessing it.

Steps for remediation:

  1. Please reach out to support via in-app chat. This error will need to be reconciled by the integration team.

Error: Cannot find function 'save' in object. Please ensure that the function 'selectNewLine' is available and that a value for 'Location' is entered."

Step for remediation:

The Location is missing on a line of the PO, correct it in Netsuite and attempt reposting.

Error: "An error occurred due to an invalid field value (316759) for the 'item' field. The function 'selectNewLine' is not found. The function 'save' is also not found. This error is related to a SuiteScript error of type 'INVALID_FLD_VALUE'."

Step for remediation:

The error is being triggered due to a inactive value on an item line of the PO in Netsuite. Correct the item line and attempt to reprocess the invoice.

Oracle Posting Errors

Posting Failed: Error: "the invoice item #0 is invalid (GL_ACCT_COMB_DIS_ACCT - You entered an account combination that's disabled. You must enter a different account combination.)"

Steps for remediation:

Check the invoice dimension values and rules for the selected Vendor, this error typically occurs when an input does not align with business rules. Typically the error is on the Expense items of an invoice.

Posting Failed: Error: the invoice item #0 is invalid (GL_CVR_VIOLATION_REP_VIO_CVRS (GL_CVR_1011001_300000015882900) - Cross-Validation Rules: MT CVR 09 Accounts will have access to product code from 000001 to 999999, cannot have product code 000000 (GL-1656030365))

Steps for remediation:

This appears typically when a dimension is blank. Check on the items tab for any blank dimensions. In this example, the Product code was missing.

Strongroom Errors

Posting Failed: "Error: "{\"IntegrationMessage\":\"Error importing invoice XXXXXXX: Unhandled error in ImportVoucher Web service: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\"}"

Steps for remediation:

This is a generic software error that needs more explanation. Raise a ticket with Strongroom support to obtain more specific details

EBS Errors

Posting Failed: the invoice item #0 is invalid (An Exception error was received from EBS API, please contact support.)

Steps for remediation:

This is a generic software error letting the user know some error occurred during file attachment. Contact your EBS SME to let them know there was an error when attempting to attach the invoice file to find out and resolve the error. The user can manually upload the invoice image to the connected system/EBS.

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