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Initiatives: Create, Delete or Archive
Initiatives: Create, Delete or Archive
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Written by Customer Support
Updated over a year ago

Initiatives are innovation programmes focused around specific topics chosen by you where you want to gather new ideas from members of your organisation and from specific suppliers. Having an internal and external audience strengthens the collaboration of those participants whilst gathering ideas from people who are in the direct line of action.

How to create a new Initiative

To add a new initiative, navigate to Innovation Hub in the main navigation, click on "Create Initiative" and choose an Initiative type to open the form:

1-Choose the name you want to give your Initiative.

2-Select the Initiative Type of your Initiative from the dropdown. The Initiative Types in this list have been created by your Company Administrator. The description underneath has been setup at the same time as the Initiative Type. Select the most suitable one to your Initiative.

3-Select the Form Template you wish to use for your Initiative. The Initiative Templates have been created directly by your Company Administrator. Select the most appropriate to your Initiative.

4-Type the Initiative Description to provide the goals of this Initiative to the people participating.

5-Enter the Submission End Date : participants will be able to submit opportunities until this date has been reached. It can be edited afterwards.

6-Select the Tags your Initiative is associated to. It will enable you to enhance your reporting on this Initiative.

7-Click on 'Add Initiative'

8-Invite Participants before launching the Initiative.

How to delete an Initiative

From the list of Initiatives, you can delete an Initiative.

To delete an Initiative, click on the 3 dots at the right side of the Initiative name. You will be prompted with 2 options: Archive or Delete the Initiative.

When you click on "Delete Initiative', you will be prompted with a warning message to inform you of the impact of your action. You can still cancel your action or continue your action by clicking the appropriate button.

When you delete an Initiative, it will completely disappear from the system, and you won’t be able to retrieve it. All the data stored in this Initiative will disappear too.

How to Archive an Initiative

From the list of Initiatives, you can archive an Initiative.

To archive an Initiative, click on the 3 dots at the right side of the Initiative name. You will be prompted with 2 options: Archive or Delete the Initiative.

When you click on "Archive Initiative', you will be prompted with a warning message to inform you of the impact of your action. You can still cancel your action or continue your action by clicking the appropriate button.

When you archive an Initiative, it will appear in the archived list of Initiatives. You will still be able to access it again after archiving it and even un-archive it if necessary.

To access the list of archived initiatives you just need to click on ‘Archived’ on the top of the screen when you are on the Initiatives Tab.

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