While building your Initiative Team, you will be able to attribute different roles to your users to match their responsibilities and their missions within a specific Initiative.
It's important to understand the level of permissions each role provides in order to attribute the correct one to your users.
Several users can have the same role within the Initiative Team.
There are 4 different Initiative Roles available for you in Vizibl to build your Initiative Teams:
βThe Initiative Creator: this role is attributed automatically to the user who has created this specific initiative. The Initiative Creator will be automatically identified too as an Initiative Manager and therefore will benefit from the same permissions.
βThe Initiative Manager: this user will oversee the Initiative progress and will be the key decision-maker in the life cycle of the Initiative and its Opportunities. He has the following key responsibilities and permissions:
Leave Discussion comments
Delete an Opportunity
Change the stage or status of an Opportunity
Manage the Initiative Team
Convert an Opportunity into a Project
Close the Initiative
The Initiative Reviewer: this role enables a user to leave discussion comments as well as changing the stage and status of the Initiative. This role is useful to have a first review and triage of your Opportunities.
The Initiative Viewer: the user with this role would only be able to view the Initiative without making any action except leaving discussion comments.
Useful Information: The creator of the Initiative will be listed too as an Initiative Manager. He can't be removed from any of those two roles. Any other users from the Initiative Team can be removed.
You might also be interested in Innovation Hub Permissions.