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The Supplier Profile Space
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Written by Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

In each of your Programmes, specific Suppliers you have chosen will be onboarded directly in your programmes in order to access and gather their Sustainable Data.

The Supplier Profile is a dedicated space within the programme where you can view the Sustainable Data of a specific supplier for this specific Programme.

Only the members of this specific Programme Team from your company will be able to access the dedicated Supplier Profiles unique to this programme by clicking on the name of the supplier in the Programme itself.

If you wish your Supplier to have access to their dedicated Supplier Profile of a Programme you can add their users following those steps:

Step 1: Go to the corresponding Programme.

Step 2: Click on the Supplier's name in the Suppliers Tab of the Programme.

Step 3: You are now in the Supplier Profile. Click on the Team Tab and add users.

Step 4: You can add one or several users at the time and provided them with a specific Role within the Team.

Once the users have been added, on their next visit on Vizibl, they will have a notification informing them they have been invited to the Supplier Profile Team of a Programme and they will be able to access it.

Useful information:

  • When you provide access to the Supplier Profile to your supplier's users, they will see only their dedicated Supplier Profile space. The rest of your Programme won't be visible to them.

  • You can provide two roles to the supplier users :

    • Supplier Profile Manager: this level of permissions allows the user to have an active role in this Supplier Profile. He can manage the Supplier Profile Team, view the profile and link it to a Relationship in Vizibl. He can also submit or update any Report.

    • Supplier Profile Viewer: This level of permission allows the user to view the Supplier Profile and any Report submitted. The user with this Role won't be able to submit any report but he can contribute to it by adding comments.


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