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Create a mission

So you've setup some templates, added volunteers, added clients... now you're ready to put some missions out there.

Ash avatar
Written by Ash
Updated over a week ago

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Add mission details

Client - This is the beneficiary of that volunteering activity.

Mission Priority - This has an impact on how near the top of a volunteer's available missions list that this mission will show. High priority missions will appear higher in the volunteers list than normal priority.

Volunteer limit - This is where you decide how many volunteers should be allowed to join that mission. You can edit this at a future date to open it up to more volunteers. The way it works is that once there are that many approved volunteers assigned to that mission, it will no longer appear in the available missions list of other volunteers. This ensures you get the right number of volunteers on a mission.

Please note that if an approved volunteer leaves, this will free up space on that mission and if that takes the mission from filled to an available slot, then it will become available to other volunteers.

Mission description - Here is where you can give a volunteer all the information they need about the client, the task and what your expectations are. It is always worth reminding them to submit reports in the description. Also if you have any links you wish to include such as video call links or links to policies, please do so, these will be clickable so the volunteer can open them from the app with ease.

Tip: The first line or two is all that the volunteer will see of the mission description when scrolling the full list of missions. If you have anything you wish to communicate instantly, ensure this is in the first line and clear (you can use caps, punctuation and even emojis 😎) for example "TOP URGENT πŸ†˜" if you have one mission that trumps all other missions. Oh and don't forget to use the high mission priority to push it to the top of the list too.

Mission schedule - This is not relevant for some missions. If your mission has a specific time and date or even date range, leave this blank as you will have a chance to specify that in a later step. This is more useful where it is general information, often regarding a clients schedule or where it is an ongoing mission type but you have some information around timing you'd like to add. For example "Mrs Jones would like befriending calls at the weekends ideally.

Details for approved volunteers- Provide extra detail to approved volunteers only.

This section may be applicable where there is extra sensitive information which you want to remain hidden until a suitable volunteer has been assigned or approved for the mission.

Archive mission when complete - Volunteers can complete missions when they have done what is needed. This option means that the mission will automatically archive. Don't worry you can restore a mission but this just helps you keep a clearer picture of what missions are still live and those that are complete. This is a good option to use after you are comfortable with the platform and great for events and one-off tasks such as gardening, shopping etc.

Item list

Ensure you give enough detail in each item for the volunteer to complete the mission. For example, if it is shopping items then it is best to include brand, size etc.

Mission location

This will pull an address automatically from the profile of the client selected. If you wish to override this to another location, uncheck the below option and add an address manually. This is in instances where the client address isn't the correct location for the mission for example the client is residing somewhere else or an event isn't being hosted at the address on the client profile.

Configure visibility

Visible starting from and until - This will dictate the time period during which that the mission will be visible. We commonly see missions created without a visible until date because unless you have a specific reason the mission should disappear, this isn't necessary. If a volunteer completes a mission and you archive it, this date is largely redundant. However, if you have a mission with a specific date, it does not make much sense to allow it to be visible much beyond that time.

Groups - See the groups article for full details about the use of groups. In short, who would you like to be able to see this mission and what group you would like it to be reported under? The mission will only be visible to volunteers with the same group tag.

Mission timeframe - If the mission is befriending or something you would consider ongoing i.e. there is no real end date, then you should not add anything here. Typical examples we see are befriending and mentoring which could continue indefinitely and the interactions are organised weekly or monthly between the mentor/befriender and the client.

If there is a time period over which the mission would ideally be completed, for example, a shopping mission that should be done sometime next week, then you can use the timeframe to specify that range to the volunteer.

Worth noting that not only will volunteers receive push notifications or email reminders for this event (if their preferences are set up to receive such notifications) but the volunteers will easily be able to add it to their own calendar using a button in the app.

Additional options

Let the volunteers suggest edits for the mission - This is particularly handy with befriending where a volunteer may learn some important information about a client that a future volunteer should know. This feature will allow volunteers to suggest edits to the mission description and schedule. You'll be notified when a volunteer submits a suggestion.

Volunteers need approval to join this mission - This means that volunteers will request approval for missions and staff can approve or reject them in the staff dashboard. All sensitive information such as mission location and the call client feature will not be available until a volunteer is approved. They will see approximately how far away that mission is.

Please note that the mission description and schedule are visible to volunteers who are not yet approved so be conscious that the information you include it is accessible. However, it will still only be visible to volunteers in the same group as the mission is in.

New reports are private by default - This means that if a volunteer submits a report, it will not be visible to any other volunteers on the mission or any who may join that mission in the future.

If you require any further assistance, please use the support chat to ask a question to our friendly support team. We will be happy to help!

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