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Creating and Managing Shifts
Creating and Managing Shifts

In this article we cover how you manage missions that have shift patterns

Ash avatar
Written by Ash
Updated over 5 months ago

You can create and manage shifts for all missions. This means you can create a series of shifts that are made available to volunteers in the app who have accepted that mission. Volunteers can claim shifts and then staff can oversee all shifts in the dashboard.

Use the below links to jump to the section you wish to learn about.

Enabling shifts on mission templates

Not all of your missions will incorporate shifts. For those missions that will need this, you will need to add the shift scheduling option to the mission template.

Firstly go to the relevant mission template and open it. Go to the options tab and turn on volunteer scheduling. This is not the final step, you will then need to create your shift series...

Here you can also choose to enable shift attendance (check in and out) more info on that here.

Creating a shift series

Now that you have turned on volunteer scheduling for the mission template, find a mission that you'd like to create a shift series for. Open the mission and click the sub page on the left hand side titled Volunteer Shifts.

Next, you press the button on the top right of the page labelled "Add Shifts"

Configure shift preferences


Keep this informative, eg morning/ afternoon or role type

Volunteer Limit

How many volunteers do you need at this shift?

Please note that the volunteer limit cannot be higher than the mission volunteer limit.


Provide extra information relating to the shift here.


Now you need to set up the times and recurrence.

Note: that if you have numerous shifts in a day, you should create a series for each e.g. Morning Session and Afternoon Session. Always keep them seperated where possable, this will be easier to manage if you need to mass assign volunteers to one day only.


Toggle on request approval for the shift.

A note, regarding approval, there is the functionality to have an approval toggle on at both the mission and shift level. If you need to have a approval toggle on, and plan to use shift then we reccomend only having this on at the shift level t the mission level) as it is a better staff user and volunteer experience.

Show attending volunteers in the app

Allow for your volunteers to see the names of who else is on the shift already.

Finally, review and create shifts. Once this is done they will show in the volunteer app like the below. It is worth reiterating that volunteers need to accept the mission before claiming shifts.

Editing and deleting shifts

In order to view your shift series, you can either access it through the mission itself or on the scheduled shifts tab on the mission page.

Below is the view you should see.

When you make changed to a shift, it will prompt you as to whether you want to apply this change to a single shift or the full series.

Oversight and managing approvals

The easiest way to oversee all of your shifts is by viewing the scheduled shifts tab on the mission page.

Each short will show how many volunteers you have vs how many you need e.g. 1/3. The colour coding is as follows

  • Red - No approved volunteers on the shift

  • Orange - You have some approved volunteers but the shift is not filled

  • Green - You have the full amount of approved volunteers

An icon will appear if you have pending volunteers for a shift, click into the relevant shift to approval or deny the request.

Please note that the volunteer will not show in the numbers unless they are approved.

In order to approve pending volunteers, find the relevant shift, open it and click on the volunteer tab. Just press the arrow next to their name to deny or approve.

The view should look something like the one below.

Assigning Volunteers

Click into your shift of choice and into the all volunteers section, you can then assign volunteers to your shift.

If you require any further assistance, please use the support chat to ask a question to our friendly support team. We will be happy to help!

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